Important work and job hunting;

I have been busy applying for paid work today.

I was allocated a child in the care system so I'm doing more important work as an independent visitor. I have been filling out paperwork this afternoon and applying for different jobs.

I do however need something paid.

I am trying my best to find a job that I can be paid for as I have a vast amount of skills, academics and experience and yet I'm constantly overlooked. I just can't work full time.

I'm hoping there is a company out there that can recognise my abilities, and put my skills to some good use, where I could benefit with financial independence.

I am a creative so I've been trying to see what's available in the creative industries, however most things you have to pay at cost to begin with. I've been doing this a while to build my movie portfolio and I have a lot of social media experience and have even been awarded badges by Facebook.

My engagement reaches over 160k on Facebook, monthly, and I'm constantly working on engaging and new content and updates. As a blogger and influencer this is part of my work but I manage several pages as I build each sector up.

I'm brilliant at administration, data inputting, I am meticulous with a strong attention to detail as my CSI course notes prove and for someone with my vast range of skills, finding paid work should not be so hard.

I will keep applying and keep working hard as I build up the sectors I am in and portfolio build and I will not quit seeking something paid. There has to be something out there.

Sarah Wingfield.

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