The chronic pain 'FINE':

**help action positive change by signing the petition for credit systems for people with chronic pain available at the bottom of this blog article**

Mood Depressed.

Fine: £80.

Chronic pain disabilities are always penalised the worst. We can't predict flare ups or when it won't be safe to drive so we don't get to give the motability scheme 48hrs notice. 

We're not 'ill' we are disabled.

Unfortunately we don't get fair treatment and can't have a 'credit system' where we can re-arrange driving lessons on days we have flare ups and today was a very expensive day for me as I'm down £80.

I feel 'fined' for being disabled because the instructor I was working with and paid upfront prior to the motability driving instructor scheme can't re-arrange the driving lesson neither.

So I've been 'fined' today for the unpredictability of my disability, double the fee the motability scheme charge.

When money is hard to come by, and it's unsafe for us to drive due to disabilities, it just breaks my heart and makes my job as an independent disability advocate all the more important.

This is another accessibility issue that needs to change because disabilities aren't all the same and they aren't all predictable and forcing someone to have to be 'fined' and lose a full two hour lesson (whether private or with the motability scheme) doesn't seem like something that's fair, accessibility to lessons are important and we can't make a lesson appointment on the same day so we are going to literally lose out more than other disabled individuals.

It feels like chronic pain disabilities are discriminated against the most and misunderstood the most and I think I need to talk about this in my book to eradicate ableism I am currently collecting stories from disabled people and people with invisible illnesses for.

Discrimination is never okay and the system is never fair but today, because I, like others prefer to be safe with driving and take it seriously, we are out of pocket and I'm now all out of private lessons with my private instructor.

I can't change this so no point crying over it and at least I'm being responsible in the face of discrimination and despite disability impacting every aspect of my life.

£80 is a costly bad pain day. Indeed.

Other than losing the money people would have to drive shaking, in pain or under the influence of prescription cannabis. A credit system would definitely prevent this.


A credit system for those with chronic pain conditions implemented in both private and motability scheme driving lessons. END DISCRIMINATION AND THE DISABILITY 'FINE' NOW.

Sarah Wingfield Author 🌹

@KawaiiDollDecora ♡ ♡

Help us fight this and action positive change with this petition:

I just signed this important petition on Organise, please can you add your name? 

Stop chronic pain 'fines':

#fine #penalisation #chronicpain #disability #accessibility #petition #positivechange #creditsystem #discrimination #enddiscrimination #disabilityawareness #disabilityinclusion #createfairaccess 

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