Recent Physio Appointment: Acupuncture
I was referred for acupuncture to the Physio, and I had my appointment today which was impressively faster than usual.
The lady physio that dealth with me, 'A' was the same one who had dealt with me in the past and even though I was somewhat skeptical about acupuncture and treatment she did do well. She went through everything with me and made me feel comfortable.
She was great today and I underwent the acupuncture straight away which was a surprise as I was expecting to have to have another appointment for it to have been carried out.
The acupuncture took the heaviness and pressure away and allowed me to relax for 15 minutes, I have had pain tonight but I am willing to see how the acupuncture goes.
It is now 20:50 and I am in an extreme amount of pain, so lets see how I am after next weeks session, this is extremely unpleasant :(