
Showing posts from July, 2024

Disrespect is unnecessary:

Some people need to take a leaf out of my book and be more respectful and tolerant and also stay in their own lanes and mind their business. I don't bother other people or complain or tell them how to live their life so forgive me if I expect the same level of respect in return. One example is my street is constantly noisy, people are living their own lives and doing their own things, I just listen to meditation or put my headphones on, dogs are always barking and sometimes people are letting off steam, that I understand as the world is difficult and hard. What I don't understand is why people don't treat me with the same courtesy, I don't do half as much as others and my dog doesn't bark half as much as others on the street and is training, so when people deliberately go out of their way to complain or bother my parents (only when it suits them, not when my dog was harmed or window was put out) and the passive aggressive judgemental comments I hear from my garden,

Livin Futures and Northern housing consortium:

As a disabled artist starting up my own business, accessibility is important. I was struggling to meet client and contractual needs and having to do way harder work by fingerpainting and editing on my phone screen, this meant it took a lot longer and was a lot more difficult to create and edit images than necessary, but I worked with what I had at the time. Northern housing consortium via Livin Futures offered a £500 bursary and I applied for a drawing tablet to make it easier to edit, modify and create work to the professional standard required. I was so pleased when I was successful with being approved for the bursary as it is very important that disabled individuals have access to accessibility when it comes to doing the jobs we have built a trade in. This tablet won't just make it more accessible in regards to creating stickers, meeting client specifications but it also allows myself, as a disabled artist to modify and create art with ease. Having successfully achieved a contra


 Poor babies man ... Women need pepper spray legalised and we need more methods of protecting women and girls because I feel like we only have 'fake rights' and when we go to exercise said rights they don't exist unless you're rich enough to enforce your rights. Sending love and condolences to everyone close to this tragedy and we need to advocate for more mental health support because only mentally unwell individuals behave like this and I am so fed up of the amount of women and girls that are targeted and harmed because the system won't let us protect ourselves and we're not protected like people think. I will always advocate for positive change, more needs to be done to safeguard it for our babies and females as even just existing these days makes you a target and nothing and no-one and nowhere is safe. I want to apologise for approving a post earlier that got overlooked where people were using this tragedy to belittle alternative perspectives and that's

Ups and downs...

 Did ever so well with my new scooter until it's battery died and I was legit almost home and misjudged a kerb and when I realised I was going down I tried to drop like I was taught being a goalie but it didn't matter kinda bent my ankle back under my weight and it's likely a sprain. I've done worse falling down me own stairs and with the state of my pelvis, I just have to keep getting back up and dusting myself off. Good job me da gave me that helmet isn't it and I now know to gauge drop kerbs better.  It wasn't a drop kerb like the others it was actually about a cm off the ground as opposed to lower so it's bounced off the front wheel of the scooter and I was just laid there like five mins saying the F word over and over in a casualty pose lol. (Like chalk outlines). I have had worse falls off my bicycle it's just I landed bad and my inflammation markers are higher so I've got frozen chips on my ankle (not loose lmao in the bag) and people in my st

Be more careful with men:

 It seems that there's not many lasses he hasn't tried it on with and he's been with a fair few behind my back: ... as I'm safeguarding right now because I have to face things I never wanted to experience in the first place and have to process everything, I wanna say if you were approached by my ex partner Connor Hodgson (Connor David Nelson Hodgson) he wasn't single and he's dangerous so please keep yourself safe and stay away from him. Especially if you have children as he prefers to target those sorts of women unless you can put a roof over his head then he'll accept anyone. He told me he would stay temporarily as my carer but it was the biggest mistake of my life as he was no carer at all and it was just quicksand after that... He loved getting me harmed or targeted and genuinely enjoyed seeing women suffer. 🥺 I broke up with him just before he went to see the lass he was cheating on me with and lied to, Jackie in Huddersfield, which he flirted with ove

Drs and local support

 Drs and local support: I'm also neurospicy so makes sense why I'm so misunderstood trying to get help too. At the end of the day their behaviour says everything about them and nothing about us. It's unfair we have to fight and I can't be with any one of the GPs on my own hometown now but sometimes lessons can be blessings and I try and turn any negatives into positives and use my experiences to prevent others enduring the same things and to action positive change. Doing this understanding autism course has helped me with my own self awareness and has offered me tools to navigate my own differences and intervene when getting overwhelmed etc to prevent big emotions or emotional outbursts. My notes claim I am abusive and I'm not, I was in agony, screamy yes, crying yes but never once abusive although I have come away with umpteen bruises and been physically assaulted in hospital. Its easier for them to say the patient is abusive than face the fact they're sadists

Multiple choice:

 I hate multiple choice questions because some of the answers are also very likely to be the case, therefore they are applicable as an answer too. By trying to play smart and add answers that are a likelihood in impacting people coming forward (as that's the questions) they are deliberately sabotaging the scores of intellectuals and autistics because we go from literals and realities. These answers may not be the main answers but due to the plausibility in impacting victims coming forward they are also indeed, factual and legitimate, albeit alternative, answers. I wish courses would ask you to write an answer instead of playing silly because I take everything into account and individuals will have additional fears and reasons for not coming forward, so either they add multiple choice answers that are definitely not a possibility or they scrap the multiple choice questions and answers altogether. For example, court costs can put individuals off, and you can select multiple choice, t

The system: minors: protection:

 "Against children under 16 Offences against children under the age of 16 include: Sexual activity with a child Causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity Engaging in sexual activity in the presence of a child Causing a child to watch a sexual act Arranging or facilitating the commission of a child sex offence Meeting a child following sexual grooming These offences carry a maximum sentence of 14 years' or life imprisonment, depending on which offence applies." ....any yet my first ex husband got away with it with a 14 year old girl... This system man. 😢 His name should be in the offender database! Sarah Wingfield Author 🌹 We need to do MORE to educate, raise awareness and ENCOURAGE people to report such crimes! Period. 😢💯

Safeguarding children and families:

Doing these Durham County Council safeguarding courses and just came across the section 20 I was forced under duress to sign against my will in the RVI and my son did NOT meet the requirements of this child protection act !! I'm disgusted at forced adoption systems in the UK and wonder if more can be done to protect UK citizens and families from corruption within the social services system. I wasn't told what the section 20 was and afterwards having protested over 2 hours and taken a lot of verbal abuse from a social worker who told me I should unalive myself if I want to be a good mam, they then told me I had signed over my parental rights to them via the section 20. Mortified but constantly bettering myself and trying to make the world a kinder and safer place for UK citizens, families and children. My story is mine and none of us should be shamed into silence; especially when you can use any negative or traumatic experiences to better yourself, and better the world. Sarah Wi

The window cast:

 The window cast: My son got creative too, he doodled like his ma did ahaha. He wrote his friends name on and drew Bud and Bud's hedgehog toy, big shot, and even drew a dedication to his mam (top left) amongst other things. I was thinking of getting some spray paint and getting creative on the yonside with a Watchmen face logo ahaha... "It's all a joke" ... "tonight, a comedian died in New York..." Yes I know still a dork and goofball despite the horrors that occur and persist around me... Anyways, good job I'm made of stronger shii, I can't blog about my situation or ex anymore from now because I may have to go to court. 😩 Am I terrified? Yes. Am I anxious and feeling unsafe? Yes. Nothing I can do about it though and I've endured worse so I'm plodding onwards with my studies and made some new friends and hung out with decent people, a friend and I enjoyed the view on a late night drive as he's got a convertible, it was so freeing and I

Healing is hard...

 Healing is hard when the world has done nothing but be cruel and difficult for you... ..but don't worry, take a deep breath and heed my words: It takes time. Meditation and replacing every negative with a positive is good. If you struggle to find them work towards some small goals first as achieving results helps boost your confidence and then you can work on self esteem. Rebuilding Confidence when it's gotten so low: Make sure to set yourself little goals daily til' they become routine. I usually put meditation music on and light an incense and it gives you calmness and clarity to start the day afresh. The confidence building could be a positive self love mantra on a post it note (on the mirror for all that it matters), as long as you commit to it. 🫶🏼✨ Close your eyes and repeat it if necessary.  (Some) Examples: 'I will work hard towards my goals.' 'I can achieve anything I put my mind to.' 'I will set little steps/goals' 'I will sit with my

Never quit...💪💯


Council meetings and bus stops:

 Attended the council meeting... Trying to get seats for our towns bus stops put back on the agenda as it broke me heart seeing so many people sitting on the floor at bus stops today and it makes it look like our town don't give a crxp about it's residents.  I will always do my best to make the world a better place. People who hate me for it can suck it. 💯 I use the dark times to fuel my motivation to action positive change!  🫶🙌🫶

Cowards...police and abusers:

  Well I came home to broken glass and my fur baby dogs paw cut to shreds and bleeding. Some sadists about, but they are so cowardly about it.  I hope they get help. Fr. 💯 I am going through a difficult break up with a man who hates women and enjoys torturing them and lying about them and who loves to get other grown men to be abusive to them so he can stand back and enjoy it. (Gullible sorts only tend to be recruited so easily).  I don't definitely know if this is affiliated but it's highly likely when he left blades everywhere and hated on me so much and threatened to kill me before too. Control is all they crave and when you break free from their control and rise from the pain stronger they lash out in pathetic little ways. He's moved on already and as long as I live and breathe I will fight against cowardly men and abusers and try and make the world a better place. I'm so done with tolerating abuse and the system protects abusers so nowt I can do about it other tha

Actions over empty promises:

  He can say he does want to... and let you pay for things and take him on dates, book hotels, somehow he always claims he will but never does; and even his comfy paid for hotel with a lass who loves him and supports him he always finds something to be negative about because why have a good time?... He didn't love me and I'm still proud of myself for loving regardless. I may have had hope he wasn't unkind and may have seen him as a better man than he can ever be but no regrets. Love always wins in the end and he will never be happy because he hates women and can't admit it. I'm ready to take the reigns back and face the world. His lack of love is no measurement of my worth, only a measurement of his unpleasantness... Sarah. @KawaiiDollDecora ♡ ♡

Drs and abuse:

Image If you're able bodied with minor issues people tend to want to help but if you have disabilities or complications then they'll blame you treat you like a burden. Peaseway Drs were that bad that they refused to help my baby boy when his lips were blue and removed me and my son from their register for calling an ambulance for him. He was diagnosed with cancer shortly after that. Also they said I'd never be diagnosed with Hypermobility and then the surgery refused me as a patient because I was diagnosed and it's a conflict of interest. Bewick crescent gave my ex husband controlled opioid drugs prescribed to me by the pain clinic because he'd been stealing mine and took them from me. Apparently they thought I didn't need them despite my

Practice makes perfect:

 CBT: practice: Reminder of positives: I don't do to others what they do to me I ensure I don't become like those who hurt me I have an amazing son I have freedom  I'm determined and a warrior My parents, friends, family and pets are close to me I'm authentic with my morals and my goals I have no agenda other than making the world better for all of us I hurt hard but I love hard  I am worthy of reciprocal love My fur baby is safe with me and I can't change much but I can protect him from the harsh world I'm making new friends  I keep going even through swears and tears I keep going despite misguided hate  I work hard and I'm proud of my hard work and sacrifices  I am proud of the person I am and I forgive myself for always thinking the best of others I will work on myself and never settle for manipulation again  I do charity work and studying and I action positive change  I use my voice for good and to build others up, state facts and keep others safe  I get

TW abuse: Trauma bonds and Broken Men:

 TW abuse: ⚠️ Imma celebrate freedom from abuse, and I don't use that word lightly, the burdens I carry are heavy, the men I've loved have left many wounds but I'm a phoenix and I say - no more!  If i seem harsh it's because they've forced me to be... If you're even interested in getting to know me with the potential to love me then know I won't be rushing anything, strangers getting together so quickly just allows people to lie and manipulate and pretend to be someone they're not.  Sets you up for heartache, especially if you're genuine and you supported them and were the boyfriend and girlfriend for both of you, and then for some time they fool you into thinking they could never have done such things, with their chameleon facades and fake niceness...  You think you're mistaken and that's when you're in a trauma bond. It's quicksand...  They fool you over and over and cause so much anxiety with coercive control and manipulation that

Pelvis update:

I don't think the radiologists have got it right but I'll wait for this referral back to Boro rheumatology who know me and I'll see what I can do from there... It seems like they don't care about the gap still but I hope I'm wrong. I really do need surgery. *Sigh* *Fingers crossed*

Thankful and still hard at work:

I've been given a small extension on my college course work via Lincoln College which is extremely helpful, I just wish I didn't feel like I have to fight for such help and wish people acknowledged that disabilities impact people differently. I think the course handler thought I was upset at their response time but it wasn't that, it was the fact I've communicated very clearly my needs and it was pre -agreed prior to doing the course. This course is very important to me because it will help me to advocate better and be an asset to others. I just want to evolve and improve myself and continue to action positive change and life has been exceptionally difficult for me as of late and I'm continuing through tears and even swears if need be but I won't quit! I could just use some energy to focus on what I need to do instead of chasing things and fighting for things. I am fighting for money owed at the moment and I've worked hard and earned that money so dealing wi


I have been in an ongoing battle with Belle from Fansify and others trying to get paid for my work. It is adult work to fund my medication and help with food and additional disabilities costs. They currently owe me $830 in total and I've had no luck getting this money which means I have no choice but to fight them and try and figure out how to take them to court. I rely on this money and I've worked for it. Fansify are currently illegally engaging on wage theft and I'm not the only worker that's not been paid. Others have told me they're not being paid and one lady is owed over $2000. I'm disappointed. Sarah. (Adult solo worker and not ashamed for doing what I need to do to try and gain funds in a system that's constantly built against us and disabled people.)

Anxiety, stress and pressure:

Anxiety, stress and pressure aren't new to people, we manage the best we can but when it comes to dynamic disabilities and pain conditions, added stress, anxiety or pressure can lead to more pain flare ups and being able to do a LOT less. I wrote to my online college Friday to get an extension, one wasn't granted and instead they asked why I couldn't submit it that specific day, I explained I work around a disability and due to the uncertainty and added stress I've not got anymore done and I've even missed my daily meds a few times. With the way the course is set up it's completely inflexible and unfair to people like me who have a basic human right to additional support. The online college (Lincoln college) is very specific when stating that funding and the government only allow for three weeks per unit. This means if you get behind, due to their not being any flexibility as to when you can start and stop the units and no space or downtime in-between, that you

Bad pain days and good friend days:

I assisted a friend with a hospital visit lately as I was worried about her and the chairs alone were a complete and utter torture device for anyone and everyone that may be attending a hospital with pain, swelling, fractures, dislocations, and more! It made it practically nigh on impossible for me to stay with her longer than the 5/6 hours of hell I endured and I'm in agony even more so today with. I feel like we're going backwards in certain areas and a recent local trip to a Morrisons left a bad taste in my mouth when I saw how poorly they had planned their disabled toilet! I will be doing a Tiktok on that as soon as I can, meanwhile I need to see what I can do about such seating, they need to remove the connections because the rows being interconnected are problematic when people sit, move, breathe or knock them accidentally. The movements are amplified and vibrate through the whole set causing absolute agony for people who are disabled with chronic pain conditions like mys

Dentists, Disability and Articles:

Ok, so maybe I've taken a little too much on right now and I'm angry my body is letting me down. Since that X ray I've been in so much more pain but I managed to get to my dentist appointment yesterday at least and I spent some time with my son today. I managed to get my yard cleaned and disinfectanted and my Axolotl's tank cleaned and a new airstone feature fitted. Resting now before the council meeting, but my son told me something interesting earlier. He said he searched his name and found an article about SPD from when he was baby, it featured this news article and me speaking up about news sources baby blaming, because they left a bitter taste in my mouth. The innocent babies have nothing whatsoever to do with the body's hormones and changes and I explained SPD is a condition even athletes get. I explained that articles featuring SPD around the 2011-2013 time period were pretty negative with titles such as 'my baby made me disabled' and they're comp

All Disabilities Matter update:

Heartbroken still. It's ok to be angry about people throwing you under the bus because promotion is more important than human rights, it's ok to be angry when you see people supporting them and they've not reached out to you with an apology, it's ok to be angry when people act shitty and it's ok to avoid them because they won't hold themselves accountable. It's ok to be hurt. Avoiding is what I will continue to do because if they can do it to YOU and prove they don't care about disability rights for your son and you, and prefer promotions, then they will likely do it to another. Disability rights don't change, and no one has the right to thank an abuser on the actual post and dismiss your mistreatment. Yes I'm talking about a personal experience from my hometown, which whenever I see the group I used to support wholeheartedly and donated to and more advertised, it breaks my heart. The gentleman that is a trustee of the new charity should hang his

Studies and Accessibility:

Colleges and courses could definitely make things more accessible. Fixed deadlines discourage learning and just have you trying to skim through solely to get to the answers to the questions. Having to work around disability is extremely difficult and pain impacts concentration, I am currently having to pack three weeks of work into three days, I have coffee and drinks and I doubt I'll be able to sleep anytime soon. Once I've done this, I can focus on trying to get ahead with the next ten questions! This is definitely not learning! That's all I'll say! Sarah Wingfield  Disability Advocate  @KawaiiDollDecora ♡ ♡ Link to article in images:

Excited to get started and get my work done!

Finally enrolled onto new courses... I accept I'm a dork and I'm totally excited to get these under my belt so I can continue my hard work towards leaving the world a better place than I found it! #supportalways  Sarah  W 🩷 ~And 13 is actually a lucky number for me...~

It hurts but I keep going:

Femur neck fractures  Dislocated pelvis  They've left me a mess and I'm blessed to have close friends around me supporting me. Thank you, for making this week a little more bearable despite the agony I am in from my x-rays... I will likely need a hip replacement but all I can do is wait for the specialists now so forgive me if I refuse to be dragged into drama. No thank you. Sarah Wingfield Author 🌹 @KawaiiDollDecora ♡ ♡ Image is an illustration by @invisibleontheoutside It is the back of a lady hunched over with hands on the back of her neck, blonde hair, tanned skin, grey top and a lighter grey backdrop. Image reads: "I just want a break from my own body"


  Image: A black background with a hand covered in different coloured celebratory dust. Some colored dust is captured in a freeze frame of it spattering up and out of the hand. Image reads: "If someone shows you their true colours, don't try to repaint them." ~ It can be hard to accept that someone is not as you'd have liked them to be, a bitter pill to swallow indeed. However, albeit a bitter taste it is truly a revelation, an eye opener, a blessing; in this sense it allows you to process the facts of who they really were. You face your pain and agree with your hurt, upset and anger because they come from a place that you know deep within your soul, you'd have never ever done that to them. In a world such as this, cold, hard and rough around the edges, it is very rare to find genuine softness, kindness, empathy or emotion. Stoicism is the new trend and cure-all, and every day, more and more of us allow the world to take a chip off us, coercive control us and we s

Pelvic x-ray: (video clip)

2018 one: I had my x-ray today at the hospital, first stork x-ray for them, and I got to see the damage on my dislocated pelvis as well as my previous x-rays. It's likely I'll need to see two specialists, one regarding my SPD and the other regarding the damage and extra bone growth on my hips. My left legs the worst. I finally feel validated, after years and years of people telling me I'm not really disabled and everything and the bullying and unkindness I just got major proof that they wouldn't last two seconds in my shoes. Walking on a dislocated pelvis. I'm proud of me. Totally proud, and so grateful to the friend who came with me today for support. Big day today and a step in the right direction. Sarah Wingfield Author 🌹  @KawaiiDollDecora ♡ ♡

Make up is war paint...

I always feel better if I have make up on and I'm in fashion I like. Yesterday was so sunny ☀️ I enjoyed a trip to a local store with a friend.    ...and a rare one without my glasses ahaha... Today: I'm off to a hospital appointment today let's hope we can expedite the surgery so I gain a little more mobility and a lot less pain from the pelvis... *Fingers crossed* Mind you if I bump into another Dr that has zero expertise and just wants to be a parrot stuck saying "you're disabled because you're fat" I can't promise I won't slxp them. I can't stand disrespect from men in any professional capacity. Shame on them. Hopefully today I'll be respected though and I have a friend coming for support which I'm grateful for. Having plenty of fluids for my kidneys and a small coffee and I need more exercise and I can't continue my rehabilitation until they suture my dislocated pelvis so hopefully they will help me in this quest to better over