Cowards...police and abusers:
Well I came home to broken glass and my fur baby dogs paw cut to shreds and bleeding.
Some sadists about, but they are so cowardly about it.
I hope they get help. Fr. 💯
I am going through a difficult break up with a man who hates women and enjoys torturing them and lying about them and who loves to get other grown men to be abusive to them so he can stand back and enjoy it. (Gullible sorts only tend to be recruited so easily).
I don't definitely know if this is affiliated but it's highly likely when he left blades everywhere and hated on me so much and threatened to kill me before too.
Control is all they crave and when you break free from their control and rise from the pain stronger they lash out in pathetic little ways.
He's moved on already and as long as I live and breathe I will fight against cowardly men and abusers and try and make the world a better place.
I'm so done with tolerating abuse and the system protects abusers so nowt I can do about it other than speak up for myself, defend myself and keep going.
I ain't doing charity work for nothing and I've endured much worse than a pathetic window being put out so yea, wannabe gangsters innit.
It's easy to be a sadist and target a lass on her todd, kinda harder to be a real man isn't it? Poor souls.
I feel sorry for them.
Anyways it's after 4 am now and I'm going to bed.
It's easy to blame the person who has no choice but to constantly defend themselves AGAINST abusers targeting them, harder to see the facts as they are.
I'm good people and this is just a silly little act, I mean a 2 year old can do the same thing lmao 🤣 so congrats you're on toddler level.
Night x