One step forward, then pulled back by a noose around my neck...
..A noose that is unwanted and put there by so called professionals trying to help, who are just making things more complicated and causing more suffering if you ask me. (Don't worry was merely a metaphor.) I finally gained access to much needed services, i.e. Pain Management Clinic and Physio experienced in Manual Therapy, when we receive the initial assessment from Social Services, which *surprise, surprise* was based on some false information too! The ex consultant of mine and ex midwife accused me of 'exaggerating' my condition and stated that I sought access to Adult Services and additional help RE: my condition, without consulting them. Do these people NEVER write anything down? I asked, I begged, I screamed, I cried, I gave up and tried to help myself, as they refused me the help I need. So now I hope they are happy as Welfare have defined our young son as "a child whose vulnerability is such they are unlikely to reach or maintain a satisfactory level of health ...