
Showing posts from February, 2025

Valentines Day & Emily's Nails and Beauty:

I've been super busy working hard in all my sectors and building and networking and today I took a little break to get my nails infilled with a new design. I got a valentine's day style of nails that I selected and mixed and matched from three images and the results are absolutely stunning! So in love! I used Emily's Nails and Beauty which is situated next to Tesco in Newton Aycliffe and it's the only place I go to for my nails. They always look after me and do a wonderful job every single time! My dad helped by picking me up after, as the bus was late earlier and the cold has made me so stiff and achy, I'm walking a bit like a limping robot until my ankle heals. Be a funny sight ahaha! I wished my partner Peter a happy valentine's day and we are exchanging gifts and cards this evening as he's busy working. We're going to see Captain America in 3D at the cinema tomorrow so that's exciting. I'm still seeking paid work and applying for jobs so hope...

Important work and job hunting;

I have been busy applying for paid work today. I was allocated a child in the care system so I'm doing more important work as an independent visitor. I have been filling out paperwork this afternoon and applying for different jobs. I do however need something paid. I am trying my best to find a job that I can be paid for as I have a vast amount of skills, academics and experience and yet I'm constantly overlooked. I just can't work full time. I'm hoping there is a company out there that can recognise my abilities, and put my skills to some good use, where I could benefit with financial independence. I am a creative so I've been trying to see what's available in the creative industries, however most things you have to pay at cost to begin with. I've been doing this a while to build my movie portfolio and I have a lot of social media experience and have even been awarded badges by Facebook. My engagement reaches over 160k on Facebook, monthly, and I'm con...

Just a reminder...

  ...and I'm honest about it, wanna ask me about my failings or times I messed up I'll tell you what it taught me and how I've improved myself! Every lesson can be a blessing if you allow it. Stop listening to what strangers make up about people they don't even know and try and start getting information directly from the source, you'll learn a LOT more that way...just saying.. some of us are just authentic and we own our flaws and fix us when we are the issue and that doesn't change even when others set out to try and destroy us. I pity them, they have hate in their hearts instead of love....❤️💯 Sarah Wingfield Author 🌹

Thames Diner and contact lenses:

I went into town to sort my contact lens appointment and K McGuiness always treat me with kindness and class.  Having successfully ordered my months supply of lenses for new filming opportunities and days where I'll need to desert my glasses I popped into the Thames Cafe/ Thames Diner as it's been a little while since I was in. The people there are always amazing and friendly and one of the staff members joked about getting my autograph when I told her about all the progress I've been making since my bedbound/housebound decade ended.  Ordered a lovely cup of tea as I waited for my dad to pick me up as he was passing through and it saves me sitting at the bus stop, cold. It was greatly appreciated and even though it's been a while since I visited that cafe, people in there are always smiley and friendly and the cafe is always clean and inviting. I left a positive review for them on their Facebook page and on Google and hope that their cafe never changes. I prefer the sma...

Fossil rockin' the Turbinia:

  The Turbinia we watched Fossil rockin The Turbinia last night and these are all the weird and wacky and random snaps and footage we got. It was a woman's birthday so happy birthday to her and hope she had an amazing night! Bumped into Samantha and it was a pleasure to chat with her and see how she was doing! Hopefully see her again at the Tub or elsewhere. Lovely lass and the energy and vibes at the Tub are always top notch. Everyone is always wonderful and having a good time and you can dance however you want, I did rock out for five minutes but my ankle is angry about it today. I regret nothing! Ahaha! It was nice to take a break from pain flares and listen to some rock music. 🎵 Thank you to Peter, my partner who took us there and back and we enjoyed a cheeky Chinese when home. I am calorie counting but it was after midnight so I can class it as some of today's calories bawahahaha. I'm so glad I chose to go out in the end, and the few drinks helped with pain and it was...

Cafe HQ:

As I had some free time after some important work this morning, I attended our towns local cafe, cafe HQ. It was bustling and lively with a range of people and some with varying disabilities, it comforts me as a disability advocate to know people feel as safe and welcomed as I in this little cafe at the corner of the town. I took some pictures and sat in a window seat and watched families pass me by and birds flock and fly, making beautiful patterns in the sky. Despite being super busy the staff were wonderful and kind as always and I enjoyed a toffee cake slice and a much needed coffee latte. It's been a while since I was able to frequent this establishment and I always feel at home there.  I was able to get a little bit of writing work done before I had to dash off to the bus stop to get the bus home. I captured our town clock upon my wait for the bus and this is my hometown and as hard as life has been for me around here recently, I always cherish it so. Please enjoy the images ...

I updated my modelling portfolio:

I updated my old modelling portfolio:   I'm trying to do things with my life and heal and move forward from harm caused to me.🙏🏻 All I can do is my best and try and better myself and seek paid opportunities since being sabotaged by specific people on my town and the police being lied to about me. I document my life accurately and don't ever condone hate or abuse or negativity. I uplift people, I don't hate or bring people down but I can't lie and mislead people when I've been treated a certain way and it's not my fault when others abuse the legal system to silence victims instead of apologising for their wrongdoings. I am only responsible for me and I am not an enemy of anyone, if people harm me I simply avoid them but I do document my life and that is my right as an advocate for fair treatment for all. I don't condone sabotage, ostracising or abuse of any shape or form and don't recruit hate and never will. Avoiding i...

Newton Press review issues:

They have flagged my accurate review. Of course they would. They don't want the truth getting out about how they've mistreated some of us on the town. They don't want people to know how abusive they can be. Period. 😔 #newtonpress Disclaimer: this is a legally factual entry and any defamation misrepresented to the police as a result by Newton press will have to be challenged in court as they have already provided false statements about me when an apology could have and would have resolved everything. I do not condone abuse of any form. I do not condone or recruit hate campaigns I document my life as it happens and everything stated is legally accurate and can be proven in a court of law. Sarah Wingfield. I have updated the review based on the statements trust pilot requested I change, I refuse to be used as cannon fodder so people can target me more than they already have. It's enough. Leave me be now, I avoid them at all costs, is that not enough? Apologies denied, I a...

After the day I've had and music drops:

After the day I've had I went for a nap to rest, pain flares have been a thorn in my side and I've been exhausted trying to fight Instagram but upon waking up I went to post some updates and I'm happy that my Instagram is back and allowing me to post just in time for my tracks dropping on all streaming platforms tomorrow! It's exhausting when you work so hard and put yourself out there as a creative and I'm also seeking paid employment so I'm doing everything I possibly can do to better my life, and you face unfairness or challenges that stop you from promoting or networking your hard work. Being neurospicy and undiagnosed I'm left to just deal with things and sometimes stressful situations can totally overwhelm and make you feel like nothing is worth it. I'm glad I overcome. I'm glad I intervened with my emotional dysregulation and I calmed myself down and rested and took care of me. Four of my tracks drop on all streaming platforms tomorrow so it...

Doing my best please support and follow me:

TWENTY POSTS REMOVED.  Had an autistic meltdown this morning, feel silly now. I've asked meta AI and I've had to take it's advice in trying to get the Instagram profiles attention on Twitter/X (no one calls it X) so hopefully they'll get to the bottom of why my profile has been targeted by false flagging by the algorithm. Totally broken. But at least I can comment on Facebook again! It's hard to build social media followers and a following and I've worked hard over many years and it's not fair when I feel like my efforts are fruitless or when I'm being unfairly targeted by algorithms, it feels like sabotage and I work so hard that it's unnecessary. If you can do, drop me a follow on my Instagram kdoll_artist and help me build the account up so when Instagram eventually fixes the issues I can at least have a better following to build upon. Thank you. Sarah Wingfield. #buildtogether #support #follow #followme #followkdoll_artistIG 

Day three of Meta/Instagram SABOTAGE:

  Day three of illegal behaviour by meta/Instagram and this is what we ALL have to look forward to. Dictatorships! Anyone had to deal with DICTATORSHIP AND CENSORSHIP with Instagram/Meta illegally? Every single post is falsely flagged as inauthentic behaviour on KDOLL_ARTIST INSTAGRAM and they're removing each and every one yet it's not inauthentic and they allow catfishes and identify fraud and worse on this platform without moving a muscle. This is illegal and DELIBERATE SABOTAGE of my profile by Instagram/meta and they're ignoring the reports! #meta #instagram #reports #sabotage #inauthentic #illegal #fyp #fypシ゚ #foryou #dictator #censored #dontquit #kdoll #kdoll_artist #support 

Open to work:

Hi everyone! I’m seeking a new role and would appreciate your support. If you hear of any opportunities or just want to catch up, please send me a message or comment below. I’d love to reconnect. #OpenToWork About me & what I’m looking for: 💼 I’m looking for Administrative Aide, Assistant, Sales Associate, Sales Advocate, Analyst roles, charity positions, data inputting and more. Hybrid, remote or near my home. 🌎 I’m open to roles in Newton Aycliffe and surrounding areas. Paid work only, I have vast experience and a lot of academics. I'm driven and passionate and looking for something to support myself and be more independent. Thank you. Sarah Wingfield 🌹

It's okay, I'm fine. Dear me:

  Dear me, I hope on your bad days, you remember that there will be more good, when you feel defeated, remember that you've overcome worse. Some may harm, sabotage and leave chaos in their wake, but not you, never you and that's something you can hold onto, be proud of. At the end of the survival, sacrifices, life trials, I hope you see the light in you is still lit, I hope you remember all you stand for and that you'll never quit, regardless of what others think and say and do and harm, you will rise like a Phoenix from the ashes, every single time. I know it's hard, I know it hurts like hell daily, I know you'll never know what it feels like to be pain-free, but take a step back and look at all you're achieving and are yet to achieve. Many have tried to break you and you grieve but you picked up the pieces and re-arranged them, better than before. You're low again, you're only human, you're suffering again, but remember it won't last forever, t...

Sabotaged by Instagram:

  This is one of the reasons I work together collecting other creatives because people in the creative fields are always sabotaged and hit hard by algorithm malfunctions, to the point accounts are lost. I'm on my second TikTok account and two of my song videos have already been unfairly muted by TikTok, meanwhile Instagram false flags posts to stop the profile from monetising. It's incredibly difficult for creatives to create revenue streams when faced with such hostilities from algorithms. Censorship has gone mad and we just have to sit back and be puppeteered. I'm being unfairly sabotaged by Instagram: #sabotagedbyinstagram 👀👀👀 Kdoll_artist IG ..and there is nothing anyone of us can do about it. I will always work together with other creatives and build others up, unless they do something where I have to withdraw my support, because we are all in this together, and this is OUR fight to make things right and promote one another! Sarah Wingfield.

NHS none existent:

  The more I speak to people and the more I try and gain help myself, the more I learn that we don't have healthcare access like we should, anymore. People can't make appointments to be x-rayed like they used to and wait lists are years long with a lot of gatekeeping when people attempt access to services. If the dentist crisis wasn't enough, people are having to resort to YouTube videos and to do things themselves instead. It's absolutely heartbreaking when people are being treated less than they deserve, when access is reduced and it's the same for those with disabilities, I walk on a dislocated pelvis, surgery denied and gatekept and still waiting to hear about the rheumatology department I was supposed to be referred to. People are forced to get on with it until things escalate and become life threatening they are told they don't matter. Long waiting times, ten hours plus, in accident emergency and I don't understand why or when things started to shift s...

Town is getting worse and we're not protected:

it is what it is. hard work. sacrifice. new car looks like it's been keyed along the side. some people will only ever harm and sabotage. choose to never be like them. #sabotage #propertydamage #dontquit #newcarkeyed #trusttheprocess #scum #itiswhatitis #fyp #fypシ゚  ---- I have had to have police involvement due to abusive men this year and last year, an abusive ex partner and an abusive ex friend turned obsessor, and today I was told my car has been scratched.  No woman is safe lately and police do not protect us and can't protect us. They claim to believe us but then go on leave for months at a time, refuse to read the statements and reports often getting things wrong and leaving it far too long to get recorded statements and evidence. They let evidence get recorded over and we as victims don't matter. I feel like those who break the law have more support, more legal advice, more protection than any victims do and when victims retaliate they're penalised beyond a joke....

The Importance of Boundaries in Life

The Importance of Boundaries in Life: Boundaries are essential for maintaining healthy relationships, personal well-being, and self-respect. They define the limits of what we are comfortable with and help us establish clear expectations with others. Without them, misunderstandings, stress, and resentment can easily arise. Emotional Boundaries Emotional boundaries protect our mental health by ensuring we do not take on the burdens of others at the expense of our own well-being. They allow us to offer support while maintaining our own sense of self. For example, it is important to recognise when someone’s problems are theirs to solve rather than feeling obligated to fix everything for them. Physical and Personal Space Respecting physical boundaries is just as important as emotional ones. Everyone has different comfort levels regarding personal space and physical contact. Understanding and honouring these preferences fosters mutual respect and prevents discomfort or anxiety in social inte...

What's wrong with social media:

And today I'm narcissistic AND a nut job for CORRECTLY defining the term 'whine' and holding a mirror up to an online bully. Getting bored now of the bullies that are dullards, at least get creative with the insults please, it's pathetic when men can't even add some humourous flairs to their MANtrums.  Just saying. And ALL OF THIS STUPIDITY because I pointed out the post was important for accessibility purposes and answered their questions which I now see they were trolling and seeking a verbal punching bag, wrong target good sir! I've had worse than you mate! Lol Wish relatives collected lost abusive men when they get loose on the Internet. Why do they need to spit their dummy out though? Why do they need to backpedal and pretend they were kind when they were scummy? Why can't they see the facts and why is it always EVERYONE else whose the problem when they can't get away with being a bully online? This man lives on my town, and he thinks that accessibi...

The power of NO:

The power of NO: I'm so pleased I'm no longer around hot and cold people, mixed signals, lies, cheats or just icky souls. It destroys you from the inside outwards and you don't even realise just how much until you're free from the manipulative hold they have over you, constantly striving to prove your worth over and over again, letting your walls down, letting them in, they built you up to smash it all down, they were never sincere. Fake love and loyalty posts across social media as they played you, told people they were single, cheated on you, behind closed doors chose to harm you. Police being called, break ups, back together, one more chance, they can't lose you, and you let them back in to sink what was left of your ship. You felt like an idiot. I've tried so many times to get others to see my worth, chased them when they hurt me, apologised when they harmed me, tried to fix situations I didn't break and it broke me. I picked up the pieces and kept putti...

Finding My Voice:

A Journey of Strength and Self-Belief. For as long as I can remember, I’ve been fighting a battle no one else can see. Living with chronic pain and invisible disabilities has meant constantly explaining, justifying, and pushing through—while the world often fails to understand. It’s exhausting, but I refuse to let it define me. Singing and rapping has always been my escape. When I sing and rap, I feel free, as if, for a moment, the weight of my struggles lifts, and I can just be. But for a long time, self-doubt whispered in my ear, telling me I wasn’t good enough, that my voice didn’t matter, that my pain made me weak. Years of being overlooked, dismissed, and told to “just push through” had taken a toll on my confidence. Now, I’m on a journey—not just to improve my singing, but to rebuild me. Learning to Believe in Myself. I used to think confidence was something you either had or didn’t have. But I’m learning it’s like a muscle—it grows the more you use it. Every note I sing, every l...

Facing music trauma:

I am currently busy working on music collaborations today.  Stepping up my game.  Improving, growing, evolving. 🎵 Never quitting so Ms. Stock from Parkside who left me traumatised as a child and then jeapordised my GCSE music as my teacher there mentioned her before my performance and I froze and couldn't sing a single note, can kiss my butt.  I went into graphics design instead but I will face my trauma she caused by PUBLICLY humiliating an 11 yr old child and having the whole class laughing throughout the whole performance, and I will overcome and I will improve and I will work hard towards fixing the harm she did. I got this. 💯🎵 Sarah/ K•Doll