
DurhamEnable and all it takes is sunshine:

My partner Peter as my assistant. My assistant for the day Peter, and I, did really well with the DurhamEnable reverse job fair and I have three potential opportunities all different things, podcast, acting and a disability positive employment position.  Overall I'm so glad I did this today and it gave people like myself a chance to explain things from the perspective of those they're hiring. How hard we work, how dedicated we are and how difficult it is to break down disability stigma to get paid employment. I hope all the businesses attending consider working with DurhamEnable and together, build a more accessible and disabled confident employment base.  A huge thank you to DurhamEnable for all the hard work they do to help disabled people into permanent employment. Today's event was exceptional and educational for all. The sun was shining a bit later today, for the first time in a long time, and I sat outside on the grass for a bit.  Life has a weird habit of drawing y...

Story Appeal:

Do you have a disability or an invisible condition? Are you frustrated with the lack of awareness and accessibility in the world? NOW is your chance to help make a difference and all YOU need to do is SHARE your story! Use the contact form at to get started on our eradication of ableism project! Sarah Wingfield Author 🌹 Independent Disability Advocate  #author #weneedyou #accessibility #disability #disabilityawareness 

EPW Wrestling Darlington 23rd Feb 2025

Kawaii Doll Decora visited EPW wrestling when it visited the Dolphin Centre in Darlington on 23rd February 2025! 15 mins of the match segments captured. ‪@EPWWRESTLETV‬  #EPW #EPWWrestling #epwwrestlingms #epw #wrestling #wrestlemania #wrestlers #darlington #dolphincentre #wrestlingTV #wrestlingnews #KDoll #KawaiiDollDecora

Employment board:

So I was up super early to do board preparation for my upcoming reverse job fair so here is a sneaky peak at some of the things that are going on my reverse job fair board! Today went well and preparation has been done!  A huge thank you to DurhamEnable for their support with this project and printing out of my CVs so let's hope I find part time employment! I have added informative sections and my qualifications and everything so it's all listed on the board and I even added my linkedIN QR code so people can link to my account. Sarah x Image: NaariSamata volunteer work image and quote. IMDb card. Photograph from the movie set Cult Night by Raya Films. My certificate from Livin Future's. 9 sample images from my stock images account. 

The life you want:

I've been super busy trying to create the life I want and need and I am still struggling but never quitting. I have a reverse job fair I can do with DurhamEnable and I'm hoping it will gain me some paid work. Everything is so expensive when you're disabled and it makes everything much harder because I don't get my prescriptions on the NHS I have to pay a fortune for them monthly and more, I still do my charity work and I've been assigned a child in the care system and I'm hoping to make a positive difference in their life but I wish I could make a positive difference in mine. I sometimes feel like it's obstacle after obstacle and I'm getting my home tidy and clean and working through the decluttering of how my home was left when I was bedbound, years on I'm still hard at it because of my mobility impairment making it more difficult but I am grateful I have some services who have stepped in to help. I went to see wrestling yesterday with my partner Pe...

Unpopular opinion:

As a music artist (and more) I experience a range of interactions but I don't think I'm wrong in thinking real help is inboxing another artist with constructive criticism instead of posting it publicly when it wasn't even asked for. Not even hating on those that do it tho, each to their own, I just offered the alternative as a suggestion as I prefer to inbox people out of respect.(Js) Otherwise you could just use the public posting as an excuse to broadcast it more. In my experience that helps no one and only encourages more negatives.  Also if I suggest this to you then you should take it as a compliment that I think you're cool enough to engage with instead of ignoring you like I do all the other negative people, apart from the ones I banter and joke with and troll the trolls...most can dish out but can't take it. I'll keep inboxing people tho instead of publicly stating things because I don't like to discourage artists or give people opportunities to be n...

Valentines Day & Emily's Nails and Beauty:

I've been super busy working hard in all my sectors and building and networking and today I took a little break to get my nails infilled with a new design. I got a valentine's day style of nails that I selected and mixed and matched from three images and the results are absolutely stunning! So in love! I used Emily's Nails and Beauty which is situated next to Tesco in Newton Aycliffe and it's the only place I go to for my nails. They always look after me and do a wonderful job every single time! My dad helped by picking me up after, as the bus was late earlier and the cold has made me so stiff and achy, I'm walking a bit like a limping robot until my ankle heals. Be a funny sight ahaha! I wished my partner Peter a happy valentine's day and we are exchanging gifts and cards this evening as he's busy working. We're going to see Captain America in 3D at the cinema tomorrow so that's exciting. I'm still seeking paid work and applying for jobs so hope...