
The window cast:

 The window cast: My son got creative too, he doodled like his ma did ahaha. He wrote his friends name on and drew Bud and Bud's hedgehog toy, big shot, and even drew a dedication to his mam (top left) amongst other things. I was thinking of getting some spray paint and getting creative on the yonside with a Watchmen face logo ahaha... "It's all a joke" ... "tonight, a comedian died in New York..." Yes I know still a dork and goofball despite the horrors that occur and persist around me... Anyways, good job I'm made of stronger shii, I can't blog about my situation or ex anymore from now because I may have to go to court. 😩 Am I terrified? Yes. Am I anxious and feeling unsafe? Yes. Nothing I can do about it though and I've endured worse so I'm plodding onwards with my studies and made some new friends and hung out with decent people, a friend and I enjoyed the view on a late night drive as he's got a convertible, it was so freeing and I

Healing is hard...

 Healing is hard when the world has done nothing but be cruel and difficult for you... ..but don't worry, take a deep breath and heed my words: It takes time. Meditation and replacing every negative with a positive is good. If you struggle to find them work towards some small goals first as achieving results helps boost your confidence and then you can work on self esteem. Rebuilding Confidence when it's gotten so low: Make sure to set yourself little goals daily til' they become routine. I usually put meditation music on and light an incense and it gives you calmness and clarity to start the day afresh. The confidence building could be a positive self love mantra on a post it note (on the mirror for all that it matters), as long as you commit to it. 🫶🏼✨ Close your eyes and repeat it if necessary.  (Some) Examples: 'I will work hard towards my goals.' 'I can achieve anything I put my mind to.' 'I will set little steps/goals' 'I will sit with my

Never quit...💪💯


Council meetings and bus stops:

 Attended the council meeting... Trying to get seats for our towns bus stops put back on the agenda as it broke me heart seeing so many people sitting on the floor at bus stops today and it makes it look like our town don't give a crxp about it's residents.  I will always do my best to make the world a better place. People who hate me for it can suck it. 💯 I use the dark times to fuel my motivation to action positive change!  🫶🙌🫶

Cowards...police and abusers:

  Well I came home to broken glass and my fur baby dogs paw cut to shreds and bleeding. Some sadists about, but they are so cowardly about it.  I hope they get help. Fr. 💯 I am going through a difficult break up with a man who hates women and enjoys torturing them and lying about them and who loves to get other grown men to be abusive to them so he can stand back and enjoy it. (Gullible sorts only tend to be recruited so easily).  I don't definitely know if this is affiliated but it's highly likely when he left blades everywhere and hated on me so much and threatened to kill me before too. Control is all they crave and when you break free from their control and rise from the pain stronger they lash out in pathetic little ways. He's moved on already and as long as I live and breathe I will fight against cowardly men and abusers and try and make the world a better place. I'm so done with tolerating abuse and the system protects abusers so nowt I can do about it other tha

Actions over empty promises:

  He can say he does want to... and let you pay for things and take him on dates, book hotels, somehow he always claims he will but never does; and even his comfy paid for hotel with a lass who loves him and supports him he always finds something to be negative about because why have a good time?... He didn't love me and I'm still proud of myself for loving regardless. I may have had hope he wasn't unkind and may have seen him as a better man than he can ever be but no regrets. Love always wins in the end and he will never be happy because he hates women and can't admit it. I'm ready to take the reigns back and face the world. His lack of love is no measurement of my worth, only a measurement of his unpleasantness... Sarah. @KawaiiDollDecora ♡ ♡

Drs and abuse:

Image If you're able bodied with minor issues people tend to want to help but if you have disabilities or complications then they'll blame you treat you like a burden. Peaseway Drs were that bad that they refused to help my baby boy when his lips were blue and removed me and my son from their register for calling an ambulance for him. He was diagnosed with cancer shortly after that. Also they said I'd never be diagnosed with Hypermobility and then the surgery refused me as a patient because I was diagnosed and it's a conflict of interest. Bewick crescent gave my ex husband controlled opioid drugs prescribed to me by the pain clinic because he'd been stealing mine and took them from me. Apparently they thought I didn't need them despite my