
Showing posts from 2024

EE have resolved issues:

Following my struggles with EE previously they have done me the courtesy of giving me 10% off my bill and they have shown they do care about my custom. This was a pleasant surprise today and I'm truly grateful. #EE #appreciation #resolved

Highest Ranking yet: IMDb:

 Omg I'm so happy to say I'm in the 50 thousands on IMDb!!!! ❤️😆 Woohoo! Thank you to everyone who supports my endeavours! You rock! 🤘🏻✨ 56,246! The highest rating I've had, yet! 🌹🌹🌹 Sarah x


 Having RSD almost makes you unforgiving to those who have caused you emotional pain especially beyond your limits. Betrayal can be deeply painful for anyone, but for someone with ADHD and RSD, it can feel like an overwhelming, unforgivable emotional wound. The combination of emotional sensitivity, fear of rejection, difficulty regulating emotions, and cognitive distortions like all-or-nothing thinking make betrayal feel like a personal attack on their self-worth. The path to forgiveness is the hardest challenge for someone with ADHD RSD and here is the reason why.  Memory and emotion are closely linked in the brain. The amygdala, which processes emotions, and the hippocampus, responsible for long-term memory, are highly interconnected. This means that emotional experiences, especially intense ones, are more likely to be stored as long-term memories and recalled with vividness later. In someone with a poor memory, the emotional aspect of an experience may remain intact even when the fa

Disability and Autonomy:

 #disabilityawareness #disabilityrights #disabilityinclusion  Why what I do is important work and disabled people matter too:

Ignored by Bridge Creative:

I contacted Bridge Creative via their website weeks ago to discuss accessibility issues regarding the upcoming Christmas town event and I'm very disheartened that no one has even bothered to contact me back about it. Posted this online today so I'm hoping someone at Baccanalia atleast cares enough about disabilities to get in touch with me if Bridge Creative aren't. I can't help advocate and make things better if I'm ignored. Sarah Let's hope someone contacts me from Bridge Creative otherwise I'll have to try and phone bridge creative so they can't ignore me unless I can sort accessibility with Baccanalia as they've never let me down previously with contacting etc. Accessibility matters! ♿


Update: They have resolved the issues and been ever so kind as to offer 10% off. --- Original post: (Not the representatives fault, he was a star, this was out of his control) I'm so gutted with EE man, can't believe they're the best network... They've let me down several times and they can't do anything to help me. They've benefited off me twice now and I've been penalised for them not meeting the legal terms of an agreed contract. May file a claim for compensation via the court if they don't take me seriously because they have failed to adhere to their legal agreements twice and I feel like I don't matter as a customer anymore. I should be excited about my new phone contract but now I feel like I'm just a cash cow to them. I signed up to EE WiFi for £15 told I'd get a discount off my phone contract and I never did, they've done it via BT not EE and now EE will only

Theory test:

 Couldn't sleep so doing theory test practice, just booked the first slot they had available to sit my theory test which is the 11th February 2025 in Bishop. So I've got plenty of time to get these questions fine-tuned ahaha. I can't believe I'm doing this, but I'm so happy and excited! £23 ahaha. The four months will fly over! ❤️❤️❤️

Bad days remind us...

Woke up with a pain flare after bad dreams...  I'm having a 🛁 bath and some me time. Bad days happen but they don't have to ruin the whole day. I've processed and faced all the trauma that was brought up in my mind, acknowledged how painful it is and I won't swim in it, I will let it go, wash over me, meditation and self-kindness is necessary. So speak soon, when I'm rejuvenated and more positive, this cold weather doesn't help either but I'm taking some me time to uplift myself so I can continue to uplift others and do the work that I do. I have a charity video project to create and the council meeting this afternoon. I will no longer let my past prevent me from living in my present or dictate to me my future. I've sat with the pain, time to focus on things I can change. Sarah x

Skinwalker: (poetic writing)

Skinwalker: You're angry and worried about her that's normal Someone showed you what he shared recently And there was a time that he love bombed you the same too There was a time he pretended to be the good guy Had you look in the mirror and make you face how beautiful you are ..until he got his foot in the door The compliments faded He spoke and shared intimacy with many girls behind your back The abuse crept in His idea of love is harmful and to attack His facade started to crack You are angry and scared Has he harmed her yet Told her anything negative How many has he slept with behind her back Whilst she's so stupid to think he's sensitive You know it won't last Behavioural patterns before you prove that Yet he talks about marriage to her This early on again He keeps his cover picture the one you made of him Because you're the one that got away You never settled for abuse You told him he can't stay So he latched onto another vulne

Really busy day but a lot of good things:

I started the day off by signing a lease on a Motability car, my parents took me to some dealerships and I found a perfect little car for my needs. This is such a huge milestone, I am so excited I can't believe it! I just need to learn to drive now. I went for a drive out with a female friend, me being the passenger of course ahaha yet not for too much longer, and we had a really lovely day together and stopped and had a meal before we returned home. I then attended a local support group known as sisters of support and everyone was wonderful and welcoming and I feel like I could help a lot there too as well as find people who, like me, haven't really had much of a sisterhood or friends growing up. I felt like they offered a safe space for people who are, a little different like me lol, I kinda don't fit in any boxes and yet they were so wonderful and it was a pleasure to be a part of such an amazing group of unique and inspiring individuals, each and every one, in their own

Community group management UPDATE:

I had to update my community Facebook group's boundaries today because some people think that uncensored means you should be FORCED to tolerate abuse and I simply disagree. Asking people to own their actions and be responsible for themselves online is far too much since the online world has taught people they can be such monsters here. I updated the information to give people a choice, so if the groups not for some people then they can see that it's not for them and that's okay, they can leave instead of bringing their negativity into a group that's about actioning positive change. It's hard when you update and uphold boundaries, people get upset that they can't behave the way they did before, but that's their valid feelings about it and if the group is going to do what I need it to do I need to make sure it's abuse free from NOW. If I can't get people to behave themselves then they give us no choice but to enforce rules to make sure only those who c

Inside the mind of a neurospicy:

Inside the mind of a neurospicy: I used to be so hard on myself, just did not understand why I couldn't simply DO something, why I froze in place waiting for people to visit for appointments and not able to function or focus on things that needed to be done prior to the appointment. Now I understand executive dysfunction better, I understand how I can be viewed negatively and misconstrued and I remember that it's only my responsibility to clarify myself and it's not my responsibility to deal with negativity or hostility others choose to put my way instead of talking things through. People will misjudge you and instead of being sincere and clearing up the misjudgement they will use that as an opportunity or an excuse to be negative themselves. That's their choice and their actions and wrong of them but nothing whatsoever to do with you. Let them think you're the villain, most people in modern day society are incapable of looking at their own actions, holding accounta

Love yourself ❤️

 Life's hard People can be headaches  Negativity solves nothing  Aslong as you love yourself enough to know only your actions matter, then all will be well ❤️‍🩹  You are only responsible for you You cannot carry the perspectives or opinions or judgements of others You cannot change others You can change how you react to them and fix it when you react poorly You are the key to your own happiness. ❤️✨ Sarah x Image reads: "Love yourself so deep that anyone trying to play with you gets lost in the current."

Managing community groups:

Managing community groups are very hard when people choose to go out of their way to choose negativity and recruit 'pack animal' mentalities as opposed to actually resolve things. I tried to create a thread for discussions and was clear that it was NOT a post TO vent or be negative, however people were all too keen to twist that to claim I was saying they ARE behaving poorly to then USE AS AN EXCUSE to behave poorly. The online world is a circus of drama and I and other admins work tirelessly to avoid drama in our community group. I posted this notice today and I am NOT responsible for how others CHOOSE to act on any misunderstandings or how they CHOOSE to BEHAVE negatively instead of merely discussing things and resolving things. Actions speak volumes. I apologise for any misunderstandings but will never apologise for not tolerating people incapable of using their words in a more respectful manner. The group post: "Update: Well I tried to create a discussion thread so peo

Progress and Growth:

This last year saw my IMDb portfolio grow and expand and I'm so pleased to announce that I will be acting in two new upcoming movies, so keep an eye out for this lil' lady on screen!  #movies #imdb #Actress #Producer #Filmmaking #Production #Acting #Cast #SarahWingfield #KawaiiDollDecora #onscreen  @KawaiiDollDecora ♡ ♡ 🩷✨🩷✨🩷✨🩷✨🩷✨🩷

The northern lights:

As I sing to myself, ✨ Hole - Northern star, ✨ and contemplate on why the world is the way it is as my dog goes to the toilet in my garden, I look up and see a pink hue. Is this a sign from the universe? I finally catch a glimpse of the northern lights .. Ha finally captured it! 🌌 This world confuses me it's one hellova rollercoaster! Why can't people just mind their beeswax and leave people to suffer in their little lanes without adding to the suffering? Xx  Sarah x Please don't give up on me yet! 🙏🏻🥺  I will make it through every bad patch the world throws at me. 

Movie business:

Like I said I've made huge progress and if I ignore the fact others have chosen to target me lately (usually around the time when I actually do something good in life) then life was being pretty good lately... I'm an executive producer now of Reloaded 3 and have a small acting role in it and I'm an associate producer of Diamond Dogs Comedy heist and have a small acting role in that. These are BIG moves for a little dreamer like myself and I will keep going and trying to make the best of this little life that I have. I'm actually excited about some projects for once and I will be focusing on those and avoiding people who go out of their way to act completely insane abusive. I may not understand why the world is the way it is but I've worked extremely hard towards these goals and I did this all myself and even if it does attract abusive people and hate, I still succeeded in something and that's all that matters to me. Sarah. I can't change how others are but I

Tired of being a target:

I'm so exhausted of grown people making me a target for abuse and this time it's body shaming and a couple dragging me into their abusive messenger chat and they've been targeting me a while and I never went to the police and I get sick of people like that cause I don't want my parents or family getting stressed out. I need my social media for my charity and community work so it would never be fair me having to leave it because people can't stop being evil. No matter what you do it doesn't matter they can't help themselves. I won't name names but if I have to go to the police about them too I will. I don't know if it is because I am wired differently, autistic, they think I will be an easy target and I don't know why they get even more aggressive the more you block, avoid and walk away from their abuse but I had to block over ten people tonight because they had it escalated and I think they may be from Darlington but I am unsure, they are strange

Durham Enable:

 I attended a DurhamEnable forum this morning with my job coach and it was fantastic to see how DurhamEnable job coaches are removing obstacles for disabled individuals and more!  It was a pleasure to meet everyone there and see all the amazing and wonderful things everyone is doing including courses, volunteering and work. Without this service we would all be struggling and blocked with obstacles that would prevent progress. We need more services like this that helps eradicate barriers to progress in place and more people like the job coaches at DurhamEnable. A much needed service indeed. 💯 Sarah. #durhamenable #DisabilityPositive 

Petition to get schools up to date:

Schools and Education is FAILING our kids: To Rt Hon Bridget Phillipson MP The issue is many families are being let down by schools and education systems, some children are SEND and schools need to DO MORE to be able to catch up with the new higher statistics on autism and more in regards to education. Children being failed and left without education is NOT the answer. I'm personally affected by this and many families I've spoken to are struggling too so we need to try and gather an many people to petition the government for better curriculum, send departments, inclusion and education to stop failing our children. It's the law that a child gets an education yet many schools are falling below the law by not meeting the educational needs many students these days have. I'm interested in solutions and actioning positive change for ALL schools to have a SEND department, to meet up to date numbers on the fact more and more individuals are being diagnosed and present with educ

Mortified at the hypocrisy online:

 Oh no!  Someone with a different perspective! Let's show them how they should hate who we tell them to hate by being EXACTLY like those WE hate... Yea lmfao... Idiocy... 😂😂😂💀👀 Can't see the facts from the fake narratives they invent to be used as an excuse to be abusive and exactly like the people who they are trying to gain hate campaigns towards. I don't hate anyone, I avoid Scorpions, they only ever know how to sting and you behaving and stinging the same as them won't change them anymore than it will change your sadism. No thank you. Can't see that I'm an ally because I don't condone the people's behaviour that you hate on, and can't see you're a hypocrite by choosing bullying and abuse over logical communication and thoughtful discussion. The people you hate are NOT my problem, the same as you're NOT my problem lol. Atleast I am not a hypocrite lmao. 👋🏻😆❤️ Sarah x

Torture months have definitely set in:

Need a stock image for a project?  Want to support a local artist? Message me for a great deal this spooky season! 🎃 @KawaiiDollDecora ♡ ♡ #stockimages #stock #stockpicture #halloween #halloween2024 #images #scifi #creepy #blood #alien Blog: Torture months have definitely set in: As I was holding back tears from my pain levels increase due to the cold weather I checked my bank to find that the company I took to court has settled. Now I'm fighting back happy tears! I am over the moon this fight has come to an end and I won't be using them from now. I'm trying to stay warm right now and hope I can save up towards a car eventually. We had water issues today as it was yellow from work locally that must have caused pipe dispersions in the water and I wasn't able to have my warm bath for pain management. I try not to put the heating on but there's no point me sat here suffering like this so it's on for now and I've got the little blo

A lesson learned and another bridge happily burned:

I'm sweet and sentimental, thoughtful and keep in my lane, so I NEVER deserve aggressive behaviour or mistreatment and no idiots can ever convince me otherwise. Can't be gaslit or manipulated, I think for myself and see people for EXACTLY who and how they are. If people choose to meet good and decent human beings with harmful actions then they'll *always* be the problem.  Stop lying to yourself by blaming the good person for being mistreated for once and start focusing on those who choose to bring BS into other's lanes and CAUSE HARM (unwanted harm too) and you may learn something... unless you actually enjoy causing others harm then you'll enjoy it and want it to continue and recruit others to help you to cause harm. Try me, and I'll tell you to shove your harmful choices up your butt where your brain cells seem to be. Some of us legitimately can't be arsed with it. Get over it and get over the fact people exist that YOU want to harm and will say NO to your

Dating life:

 I keep being asked out by people and just wanna say that I won't be dating strangers, I'm happy at the moment single and I'm taking things slowly, getting to know people and building friendships by actually hanging with them, if that eventually leads to something then great, if not then I'll have made some decent mates but I am not interested in situationships or trying to decode a person's fake behaviour cause they pretended to be what I wanted, been there done that it's exhausting! Atleast my actions are always in alignment with my words. I deserve the same and reciprocal love. Communication is also key, so if you can't communicate with me even about things that make you uncomfortable then don't bother playing with my heart neither. Honesty is important. Only interested in authentic connections and actions that match words. If you're not monogamous or incapable of it, I don't want it. I do a lot of charity work and I do have disabilities so I

Gaslighting and Autism:

This sort of gaslighting is the worst, the bad thing happened and instead of having people around you helping you to pick up the pieces of the aftermath someone else caused; they tell you that you asked for it, it's your fault, you're the problem... completely disregarding what actually happened and it's a completely different situation when the same thing happens to them, what's worse is when adults mistreat a child and other adults say these things to the child and defend the abusive or harmful adult. Some people need their heads shaking, they're almost as bad as the person who caused the harm, they validate the harm, they are on the side of the abusers and don't have an ounce of compassion because it happened to YOU and they act in line with how they FEEL about you (also misguided) as opposed to doing the right thing. No one IS the problem, there is NO SUCH thing as DESERVING mistreatment, definitely not from simply just existing lol, the problem is when OTHE

Council meeting:

Attended the council meeting tonight and learned a lot about budgeting and events and it's a great way to become more knowledgeable to help your community and town. Plus you get to observe and see all the hard work the councillors put in so our town can have such amazing events for all, trips out, and more, makes you grateful. I will always be proud of my town and will always be proud to be helping my community, I got a few things going on right now and projects in the works and I'm building my stock image portfolio and my IMDb movie portfolio up nicely. I'm finally getting to love my lane and live my life and I won't let anyone sabotage that. I hate how I was targeted for no reason and have to watch my back in my own home but I'm noticing people like that, like to play dirty and cowardly and clearly have nothing better to do so I will keep avoiding them and won't let anyone intimidate me. I don't care what lies they tell themselves to justify it or their re

Rainy days:

  I managed to get a lift to the town today so I could drop off some goodies for the Great Aycliffe Cancer Support Group and their raffle and I'm pleased to announce my studies have come to an end! My friend donated a wonderful Halloween lush bath bomb set so I didn't turn up with just the jewellery. It was a pleasure to meet the ladies of the store today too. My studies have come to an end just in time for the colder months which impact me way worse and I refer to as the 'torture' months. I can feel everything, including my bones in this weather and it aches and twangs so badly, I genuinely feel like I've been thrown in an ice bath with a gajillion needles mixed in and I'm being stabbed everywhere, but I'm grateful for my pain management and I'm keeping going no matter what. I'm trying to work my way towards getting a car and I've worked really hard to organise education for my son and sort all paperwork out as well as chase up things on his beh

Authentic Community:

 Authentic community: *** I'm not a nice person I'm a good one. I have my own morals. I defend myself. I won't react to abuse or negativity with smiles and peaches. I can have claws too although I prefer to avoid those who awaken them within me. Antagonists and baiters, haters and sadists. If that's enough to make me a villain then so be it. But next time you get upset at the way the world is, remember how you treat people trying to make it a better one,  when you're left without access to something or help, remember those of us who advocate for such and don't stop even in the midst of hate. When you choose to hate a person, remember whose set YOU UP TO, and think about why you're allowing yourself to be puppeteered! Some of us don't need validation, we use social media as a tool to raise awareness and promotion, to help action positive change and we don't have the luxuries others do, we live life in agony and pain and therefore don't want others