Omeprazole issues:

I had to email my surgery today as I requested my monthly medication as a month ago I only got Omeprazole because that's all I needed but they are super reluctant on giving me Omeprazole it seems so it's no longer safe to take any medication and yes it's dangerous to not take ANY at all and I end up in WORSE pain and need more pain management with Cannabis but there's nothing I can do unless my surgery sorts this issue.

I'm fed up of having to remember to request meds every single month and list them and type them all out to not receive any.

Then they wonder why chronic pain individuals end up hospitalised with pain.

It was going so well until this.

Shame. Hope they rectify this.



On the phone to the surgery now apparently they're up for review tomorrow but I explained it's dangerous to go cold turkey without any medication and if there's anyway they can send some Omeprazole out as an emergency today, she's looking into it but no one informed me of any review or any notice that my medication would be stopped.

Hopefully they can sort this because I am in more pain with the colder weather and it is dangerous not to be able to take any meds.

Will update again when they call me back. Have asked them to put a note on with me having to request and order prescriptions every month if they can let me know in advance if there's a review or my medication is going to be stopped etc otherwise it leaves me in this situation and keeping on top of chronic pain is a full time job.

Hopefully they'll call back and be able to sort out Omeprazole, otherwise it will have to be delivered tomorrow and I'm just going to have to struggle today instead.

Awaiting the call back now.


11:20hrs just had one of the worst panic attacks and autistic meltdowns over the fear of not being able to manage my chronic pain with anti inflammatory meds and needing my medical cannabis more which if the drs don't resolve it means I can't do my driving lessons until I'm on my usual pain medication. I'm already in a lot of pain with the colder weather and I could do without this this morning.

Been crying my eyes out and now I'm hating on myself for having an autistic brain even though I'm undiagnosed.

Why do healthcare places do this to people, such a huge trigger for me after everything going so well.

I feel like a failure now but I hope this is resolved today or at the latest tomorrow because it's going to have my nerves shot and hyper-worried about my goals.

I need anti inflammatory medication and I never even thought of my diabetic meds and THEY'VE JUST CALLED BACK now.

Thankful to them as they've sent the meds over to the pharmacy today so I just need to ring the pharmacy now...

Wish I wasn't wired this way though, if only people knew how hard it was to manage chronic pain...

It's been a rough morning.

Sarah x

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