The universe and guidance
The universe and guidance:
I was thinking about all things recently and I genuinely do believe that things happen for a reason. Too much has happened in coincidence with other things and I genuinely believe the universe is guiding me in all I do. ❤️
If more of us self-analyse, fix us when we are the issue, put out positivity and support and genuinely mean it, as well as listen to our spirit guides, ancestors, meditate and manifest, I genuinely believe we could see a different world around us. We're more interconnected than people know and understand and there's so much more to this life than most people can comprehend.
I'm very spiritual and always have been and this year my life has changed in so many different ways, I genuinely believe in karma and wholeheartedly leave everything up to karma and the universe. I know I'm in good hands and I understand bad things happen for balance, Yin and Yang, so good things can be manifested and/or can happen.
Sacrifice is necessary, as is hard work to action positive change, or whatever your personal goals are or would be.
Everything in life is a lesson to learn, grow and evolve from and to become a better version of yourself. Treat all as such, like a test to practice your growth.
I don't know why I was banned on messenger mysteriously for three days on the same day as last year as yet again I hadn't done anything because I prefer to support and help people, but maybe it was the universes way of preventing me replying to someone trying to manipulate me, distort the facts, play innocent and lure me back into a war I want nothing to do with and never did. They made it unsafe for me so I stepped back. I won't re-align with anyone who caused me any harm regardless of how they see it.
I cried my bloody heart out, didn't get to sleep til' 5am because they twisted things so badly it triggered me back to when abusive exes did the exact same thing, thank gawd I've lived through manipulation or my compassion may have been a curse in this situation and I could have responded and clarified everything as well as reminded the individual of all the things we've told them already that they've done personally and justified and overlooked and it wouldn't have changed anything because they already overlooked it all. Denial, denial, denial. No contact is the best method in such circumstances. I can't save everyone and I can't get everyone to see the facts or the truth. I'm accepting that and it's also not my responsibility to.
Two friends were witnesses to everything and they struggled to sleep that night too. It's not fair. Communication was open before they chose not to communicate but only communicate now to justify lying to the police with a bizarre claim, when they've been printed publicly in newspapers and more and most of it isn't logical or reasonable. Just emotional and manipulative and there were even threats in there disguised as appealing to one's 'humanity' plus asking me to stop something that doesn't exist because I'm not doing anything wrong by stating one sentence that is factual and has turned my life upside down for months.
They won't acknowledge the harm they have caused and deflection won't change the facts. I'm a recent abuse survivor as well as past abuse and my ex is on an exposed Facebook and I still have police involvement but that's also overlooked and the one sanctuary I attended to try and help me was made unsafe, when I did everything to safeguard myself and had a verbal agreement in place prior. That was broken and not by me. Period.
They caused an autistic meltdown by the harassing messages and I can't help them, even though I want to so badly, because of who and how I am, they need a mirror and need to do the inner work like everyone else does. I'm working on me and highly recommend owning when you make mistakes and focus on fixing you when you are the issue. Not everyone you label as an enemy is an enemy, some of us just sought support and a safe space and definitely didn't deserve what happened to us. In no universe.
Plus, there are the legal issues they caused for me that could get me a criminal record simply from replying, I guess the rules are different for them and me, they think they're superior to break them when they know I'm not allowed to respond because of their damage and lies to the police. Harm is harmful whether they acknowledge that or not. I have disabilities and struggles too but that's nothing to do with them and I won't manipulate them with the weight of my own personal issues. That's just cruel.
Because of the ban, I blocked them and left their messages in spam, my struggles were overlooked, safe spaces were made unsafe, I may not understand how I can be blamed for things I wasn't even aware of, when a verbal agreement made with said organisation and the police to remain impartial was broken and breached by them by choice, but it's not on me to even try and understand. I did my best. I tried to communicate, I was lied about and ignored and abandoned. I accepted that and it hurt like hell but I'm healing now. I won't be dragged back around people I want to be nowhere near.
I feel the universe is protecting me and guiding me and I answer to nothing and no one but my ancestors, my morals and 'her' (the universe).
I'm made of love and positive energy, and I will use that at all times to make the world better than I found it.
My hard work, charity work, community work, sacrifices and pain may never be promoted or published and may never see the light of the day but I do it even when no one is looking because it needs to be done.
The world deserves it, people struggling deserve it and I won't let anyone down and use my voice for the betrayed, underdogs, bullied, ostracised, harmed and for all of us that were poorly treated in ways that we would never treat another human being, and simply sought resolution and support. Make it make sense. I accept it doesn't. C'est la vie.
Our voices matter, and may people keep coming to me to voice their hardships and may I together, with them, make their lives a little easier.
Everyone matters. Everyone, not just the ones you like, or want to justify the poor choices and actions of. We all matter and I will never apologise for giving us 'socially targeted', a voice and hope and a belief in ourselves and the dreams of a better world.
No one is named here and no one will ever be. I just noticed a few things with the universe and I just wanted to share my experiences to help others, feel less alone when forced to be isolated, the universe has our back, even when no one else does.
You are worthy, and you are loved.
Sarah ❤️
Domestic abuse can worsen over the holiday periods, if you or someone you know needs help please take that brave step towards your or their freedom. ❤️
Image credit: Durham Constabulary.
P.s.s. :
More people should feel deeply... ❤️🌹
Never apologise for your compassion, your tears, your differences.
You're you and that's all that matters and those that are meant for you will gravitate towards you.
Love yourself a little extra right now, the holidays can be a difficult time for some too.
Lots of love.
Sarah xx ❤️