Had two days from hell...

The last two days the universe has really been testing me and I don't want any more lessons, nevermind being tested. I'm alone, I'm exhausted and I'm doing my best. I am autistic. I keep to myself because others bring problems to me and I don't want them. Provoking will cause meltdowns. Attacking will trigger meltdowns. Where are the soft spoken kind hearted individuals that seek resolution and support? Have compassion and patience? If you're angry at my reaction think about what I'm reacting to and what I may be dealing with myself. Have some basic common human decency, not all of us are capable of doing things like others do, ask HOW CAN I HELP instead of HOW CAN I HATE?! ..and we'd get way further together... Sarah Wingfield Author 🌹 @KawaiiDollDecora ♡ www.magnoliaphotography.co.uk ♡ Image reads: "To make a difference in someone's life you don't have to be brilliant, rich, beautiful, or perfect. You just have to care." -Mandy Hale