I wish things had been different:
I wish people communicated better, I wish people focused on our community more, I wish people didn't condone abuse or boycott those who actively fight for people on the town and their rights.
I'm sad but I'm continuing on...
I had thought since the blacklisting and boycotting that my canvas would have already been removed, do I want this? Do I want it removed?
Of course not!
I love my town.
But it seems that people prefer blocking and boycotting and sabotage and I can't change that so I can't leave that there unfortunately.
I can't change the position other people put me in and I can't make them care, change or help me to share and promote and support my town, but I can continue to do that as best as I can myself.
What's really not fair is the lack of communication, it makes no sense to me.
A lot of things can be resolved but some people choose ego and bias over resolution and communication.
They treat you poorly and hope no one will find out and ignore you, don't apologise, don't communicate back, sabotage you, decline you supporting your town by declining posts and then blame you when you eventually have to post a notice that we can't share posts anymore because they chose sabotage and boycotting over respect.
It is what it is and people can hate away, I do what I do because I have genuine morals and no agendas and because people matter to me and I do it for them!
No one should be mistreated on this town and it's sad that so many Newtonions are condoning such and behaving so poorly.
All I can do is my best to do my work and to be honest I was an asset to them not the other way around so they're only sabotaging themselves in the end.
If that's what they want to stand for, disrespect and condoning abuse, I can't stop them, but I won't join in and I won't sit idly by and I WON'T STAY SILENT!
They can just deal with it because it's their behaviour after all.
Saddened and going through a lot of personal things right now I can't talk about but I don't need people who claim they're supporting their town when it's just a facade, an act, making my life any harder than it already is.
Especially since the Lisa Cricket comment, disappointed but not surprised, they never bothered to get to know me and hated from a distance, and with all this sabotage which is baffling to me and unnecessary.
Hypocritical people who can't see the bigger picture. Bigger fools them.
Yet they'll claim I'm the problem, of course.
C'est la vie!
Sarah xo
@KawaiiDollDecora ♡
www.magnoliaphotography.co.uk ♡