Beautiful Skies and Misunderstandings:
I attended my local towns council meeting yesterday and afterwards enjoyed sitting outside with some good company and beautiful views.
We have so much beautiful scenery on our town and it's nice to take a moment to cherish it.
I attend the meetings because my town matters to me, it was interesting seeing one of my new found close friends speaking about me and how people constantly take me the wrong way, it was a breath of fresh air to know I'm not the only one with frustration regarding this but like the female pain warrior I am, we laugh it off and leave other people to deal with their assumptions.
All any of us can do is clarify and if that's not good enough then it's likely they didn't want to hear your perspective, they just wanted an excuse to argue and I won't apologise for not wanting to waste my time trying to prove my authenticity and intentions to people who are adamant on misunderstanding me; usually because their negative narrative justified how they want to feel about me.
I'm different.
Outspoken but fair.
I'm used to people coming at me from all angles and to be quite frank about it, it doesn't change anything other than knowing I'm helping others to not be the target of others misguided hate.
By this I mean that I use my voice to action positive change and I get involved in a lot of charity work and volunteer work as well as speaking on behalf of others.
In all honesty, with the way people are so eager to misunderstand these days, I can completely understand people wanting to come to me to express their views so they don't become a target of misguided hate.
I'm used to hate, I've never fitted in and the hate I get never has a genuine reason behind it, so I know I'm all good.
Some days I feel like I'm having two different conversations, the one I'm actually having and rewording thoughtfully because I care about people and would very much like them to try and understand, and the one they think I'm having.
Sometimes people refuse to listen and you can't change that, but what you can do is stand up for yourself and tell them to shove their hate and move along.
Say what's needed and that's that.
Sarah xo
@KawaiiDollDecora ♡ ♡