As a blogger:
Image: "I listen because I know exactly how it feels to be unheard."
As a blogger what irks me sometimes is how others try and dictate to you what you can and can't blog about, if it's important to you, you definitely CAN blog about it.
Just cause it's not important to them doesn't mean you're in the wrong.
I struggle to navigate the real world and the online world and my experiences, albeit sometimes mis-defined by people whose intentions are only ever malicious, still help others.
Why should we censor our struggles or authenticity?
We shouldn't.
Defending oneself is not definable as harassment nor is responding to clarify something when people are using false narratives to recruit trolls.
Life is filled with both good and bad experiences and as soon as the outside world tries to mislabel you and gaslight you and get you to censor things, it's all because you're hitting the nail on the head.
If you weren't making valid points why then would they be so keen to try and censor you or misunderstand you or mislabel you?
I know right from wrong and I'm far from perfect but I'd rather face things as they happen and use my experiences to help others feel less alone in a world that's always so loud in dictating to others how to behave but never heeds their own words and always attempts to get away with their own poor choices.
I am only responsible for me.