Drs and abuse:



If you're able bodied with minor issues people tend to want to help but if you have disabilities or complications then they'll blame you treat you like a burden.

Peaseway Drs were that bad that they refused to help my baby boy when his lips were blue and removed me and my son from their register for calling an ambulance for him. He was diagnosed with cancer shortly after that.

Also they said I'd never be diagnosed with Hypermobility and then the surgery refused me as a patient because I was diagnosed and it's a conflict of interest.

Bewick crescent gave my ex husband controlled opioid drugs prescribed to me by the pain clinic because he'd been stealing mine and took them from me. Apparently they thought I didn't need them despite my constant trips to hospital with abusive staff over the burden of me being in pain and thought since he was enjoying them so much he should have them. I thought this was illegal.

Cobblers hall drs shouted at me due to the lies on my notes that I'm abusive when they should say they were abusive to me and I cried about it, they then treated me abysmally over pain management and removed me from their books and when I shared the abusive drs call to socials they threatened me with the police and the police asked me to take it down. Yea protect abusers again.

I'm now with shildon and I've had no problems.

Just goes to show how attitude and disrespect can escalate traumatic situations and penalise the vulnerable and people who genuinely need help.

Scum should be fired from such positions.

Sarah x

@KawaiiDollDecora ♡

www.magnoliaphotography.co.uk ♡

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