Disrespect is unnecessary:

Some people need to take a leaf out of my book and be more respectful and tolerant and also stay in their own lanes and mind their business.

I don't bother other people or complain or tell them how to live their life so forgive me if I expect the same level of respect in return.

One example is my street is constantly noisy, people are living their own lives and doing their own things, I just listen to meditation or put my headphones on, dogs are always barking and sometimes people are letting off steam, that I understand as the world is difficult and hard.

What I don't understand is why people don't treat me with the same courtesy, I don't do half as much as others and my dog doesn't bark half as much as others on the street and is training, so when people deliberately go out of their way to complain or bother my parents (only when it suits them, not when my dog was harmed or window was put out) and the passive aggressive judgemental comments I hear from my garden, it IRKS me no end.

If you can't be civil or speak to my face so I can tell you about the billions of times you've made my life difficult, parked infront of my drive because you converted yours into a garden, been noisy yourselves and tell you to understand that you're not superior and don't have any authority to be complaining when I have spent years enduring problems from you, then that's on you.

I am NOT moving and fair enough if you don't like me but I tolerate a lot and if you can't tolerate the little I do in my own little lane and existence then that seems like a you issue.

I'm done pandering to disrespect and nastiness; and people targeting me for allegedly being a nuisance when they're far more of a nuisance and dare not even complain about the many others on the street because they'd be told where to go if they did, can just deal with it.

I don't like a lot of things others do but I don't go around making problems with them.

Patience, compassion, respect, honesty and kindness goes a long way and I'm done with other people making problems for me or going to my parents to complain the day after my dog got harmed when he was anxious and I have a right to leave my house for a few measly hours to watch a movie I've been excited about for ages without them bothering my parents who have their own things going on when they ignored my poor fur baby barking when the crime happened, ya can't make it up.

There's a helicopter again now loud AF and yet I'm constantly targeted and I don't deserve it.

If you can say nasty things about my dog when livin futures asked me to put him in the living room for 15-20mins today (exactly the same as others around in which their dogs don't like it) in ears reach of me without having the basic common courtesy to speak to my face then you're not worth my time.

Don't bother yourself with what I do and focus more on what you do and how you insulted me the first day I moved in.

I don't hate anyone just how some people choose to behave at times and I won't tolerate it.

Disrespect is unnecessary.


Image: I am done entertaining people who are constantly disrespectful to me. Done. -Kalen Dion

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