The system is meant to protect us, isn't it?

 Maybe we need change!

I'm trying to get this out of my head but I'm an overthinker and I've endured a LOT and this is just terrible for MY mental health. 💯

I need to focus on my goals and I could have done without this BS tbh but I had no choice but to report it.

It's sad how people choose to allow abusive people to hide behind charities and organisations and the good they do. There is NEVER any excuse for ABUSE. Period.

I really feel like the system doesn't protect us. 😔⚠️

I genuinely feel like it protects abusers more than those who are attacked or abused. 😔

I'm proud I never shouted back or anything but it doesn't pay to be kind clearly. 

Maybe if I had reacted badly then they would see their mistake, I'd still be blamed 😔 but aggression seems to be the only thing aggressors SEEM to understand.

No. I won't become like them just because that's all they know. I did the right thing and I'm fuming. Just incase this is the only post you're reading, this is the situation I'm trying and struggling to get over and get my head round:

Junction 7 has done two false counter allegations against me and (friend) and the police were going to close the case and take their word for it. But I have phoned them today and told them to get the CCTV and all the policeman kept saying was there's two sides to a story, I'm sorry but he's wrong in this case and I told him that and once he sees the CCTV he will be able to see that (friend) was not aggressive with (other friend) when trying to get the food parcel on the morning and they also lied and said that I was verbally abusive to them and all I did was ask very kindly and politely for the food parcel and then when I was verbally attacked and charged at, I just said no and left the building. 

I then did the video recap of what happened. It's on my Facebook.

Why would I write a complaint if I was the aggressor it just doesn't make sense and I understand that they're allowed counter arguments but surely it's illegal to provide the police with false reports or false statements. 

I'm just hoping they get the CCTV at this rate cause it's another person getting away with abusive behaviour and lying and blaming the person they targeted.

⚠️The system is supposed to protect us, isn't it?⚠️

ISN'T IT???!

I was abducted in Boro and the CCTV was recorded over before the police accessed it. I only survived because I'm a fighter and will always fight to survive and defend myself. Never starting anything, just always defending myself when I have to, or walk away if I can.

Like I said, I've endured a lot, and if I can STAY kind then what's their excuse?

The policeman was just too keen on telling me that the most important thing is my access to food but I disagree.

In my opinion the most important thing is protecting vulnerable and disabled adults from ANY and ALL abusive individuals that PREY on them and HIDE behind the good name of their organisation or the good work that's done.

If people were more observant and didn't ALLOW people to behave badly and HELP THEM hide behind good work, there'd be a lot less victims in the world!

#foodforthought #foodforthought2023 

I'm fuming. How can I not?!

I really DON'T understand this world, it seems to just be getting worse and worse for good and kind people and that's such a shame. 😔

S. xx

Kawaii Doll Decora 🩷

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lhealthmatters #blog #blogger #blogpost #injustice 

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