Pain management is my right
I have always struggled dealing with my chronic pain illnesses and disabilities and in 2010 I did a course to help.
I've taken all the meds under the sun and they always impacted me badly and it was also another excuse social services could use to keep investigating me despite two full investigations that proved I was a good mother.
I smoke cannabis for pain management now and I've been referred to a pain clinic as I want to become more independent and hope to find a job I can do with my disability.
I'm hoping the pain clinic will be able to assist me in regards to medicinal cannabinoids and if they can't and want me back on Fentanyl so I can work, I'll be gutted. I don't want to go back on opiates and the clinics are far too expensive.
I've looked into lyphe and integro and it's still too much of a cost.
Here's my certificate from when I completed the pain management course despite my difficulties and I am proud that at every turn when I've had to face ableism and discrimination and hate, I've always found a reason to smile and go on.
You can't steal my sunshine. I know exactly who I am and what I have had to and still endure.
I stand proudly knowing I'd never treat anyone in any of the ways I've been treated since becoming disabled, as if I wasn't misunderstood anyway prior to that due to my autistic tendencies.
I'm still awaiting assessment.