~I do what's right not what's easy to do to be liked!~
~I do what's right not what's easy to do to be liked!~
I don't need to prove anything to anyone but myself and I'm someone I am proud of.
I don't need validation or you to be proud of me.
I know who I am and how I am and so do those that actually bother to get to know me.
Don't like me? Do one!
Don't hang around pretending to care only for the truth of how cold your soul is to come to light.
I'm not the words you throw at me, I'm my actions, and if you refuse to see the truth then why even bother coming to me with your hate?
You expect me to be your verbal punching bag and get mad when I explain myself and explain that you're incorrect.
You lash out and don't want to understand, you find a narrative that fits your already made up mind about me and then try to punish me for this fictional character you've created and you hope I am because if I'm not, that means you are wrong. Which you are. It means that you'd have to face yourself and your own actions and thoughts.
Maybe ask someone if they're doing something before just acting like they are.
I've never tried to 'take down' anyone or anything, all I've ever tried to do was be treated with respect and gain an apology, but you choose not to see that and I can't help you nor can I change your mind.
I'm allowed to be neutral and I'm allowed to voice my personal experience and perspectives and I'm allowed to avoid people, it doesn't mean I'm trying to 'take them down' lmfao, if you think like that then maybe that's what you would do?!
I just want to be understood but I accept a lot of people can't see me or reach my perspective because they're too busy allowing lies to feed their mentality instead.
If you can't be kind do one.
I'm allowed to not take part in things and I'm allowed to enquire about things and I'm allowed to be me even if you don't like it, don't understand it, want to censor me or are acting under false information.
Own your actions and words.
It's not self centred to want to protect people and make the world better, be part of the problem if you want to be, I want to be a part of the solution you all avoid.
It's easier to scapegoat and blame than face the facts.
What I do is far from easy, but I don't do it to be liked so if I'm hated, c'est la vie, I do it to prevent OTHERS from going through what I did and I won't be censored or targeted by misguided adults who can't see the truth if it hit them in the face like a cold wet slap.
It's life Jim, but not as we know it!
I endure, I survive and I'm far from perfect but it's all good because I learn from everything. Everything!
S. xx
Kawaii Doll Decora 🩷✨
~I do what's right not what's easy to do to be liked!~