Don't punish people because you can't understand!


TW: disability, abuse, suicide, struggles:

             --------- blog/awareness, post ------

"I'm disabled but cause ya can't see my disability with the naked eye I get people trying to punish me for being disabled cause they think I'm lying and therefore deserve punishment.

It's like duuuude my disability punishes me enough yanno! I go through sh*t every day and if I can choose not to bully others and build people up then wtaf is your excuse yanno?"

                     ------ ----- ------

How many of us have been put in this position?

How many of us at times of need and struggle have been abandoned by those we trusted to seek help from?

It's no-bodies job to tell other people who and how they are if they're not willing to find the facts.

It's no-bodies job to make such assumptions to give themselves permission to hate.

Then when people have enough and their loved ones lose them to suicide, the same hateful people claim it was for attention seeking, especially if they survive, and if they don't, they celebrate!

Why are people like this?

How can we change this?

If people can't see the struggles it doesn't mean they aren't there and if people can't be kind, then be silent!

Hate solves nothing and people become part of the problems instead of being or offering solutions!

We may not be able to change the sadists or bullies, but we CAN say NO to abuse and not allow them access to our lives.

YES! Even if they're medical professionals!

YES! Even if they work for good organisations!

YES! Even if they themselves are struggling!

YES! Even if they themselves are disabled or a relative or friend of someone disabled!

There is NO excuse for abuse! ⛔ Period! ⛔

S. xx

Kawaii Doll Decora 🩷✨

#Noexcuse #solutionsnotproblems #support #community #disability #mentalhealth 

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