Transport has been reduced 💀

 They really don't want to support or help the mobility impaired get back into college considering they took all the buses away and my legs are so stiff now. I'm going to have to look into funding from the council IF they do any that is, otherwise I'm gonna struggle like.

Already having to sit on the floor at the bus stop that has taken me like half an hour to get to and the stops near the college had buses but weren't frequent nor due til an hour or an hour and a bit!

Yea bad pain day, legs are mega stiff, gonna be a struggle to stand back up but thankfully [C] came with me so he's been helpful, helping me deal with pain and my bag and the walk and can help me stand back up.

I just don't get it.

A college there and yet they don't understand that transport is a necessity as there's all ages and all disabilities go to that college.

There is also NO LONGER any arriva bus that goes onto college grounds due to funding!

What is going on! 😫💀

Definitely unfair like.

-S xx

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