
Theory test:

 Couldn't sleep so doing theory test practice, just booked the first slot they had available to sit my theory test which is the 11th February 2025 in Bishop. So I've got plenty of time to get these questions fine-tuned ahaha. I can't believe I'm doing this, but I'm so happy and excited! £23 ahaha. The four months will fly over! ❤️❤️❤️

Bad days remind us...

Woke up with a pain flare after bad dreams...  I'm having a 🛁 bath and some me time. Bad days happen but they don't have to ruin the whole day. I've processed and faced all the trauma that was brought up in my mind, acknowledged how painful it is and I won't swim in it, I will let it go, wash over me, meditation and self-kindness is necessary. So speak soon, when I'm rejuvenated and more positive, this cold weather doesn't help either but I'm taking some me time to uplift myself so I can continue to uplift others and do the work that I do. I have a charity video project to create and the council meeting this afternoon. I will no longer let my past prevent me from living in my present or dictate to me my future. I've sat with the pain, time to focus on things I can change. Sarah x

Skinwalker: (poetic writing)

Skinwalker: You're angry and worried about her that's normal Someone showed you what he shared recently And there was a time that he love bombed you the same too There was a time he pretended to be the good guy Had you look in the mirror and make you face how beautiful you are ..until he got his foot in the door The compliments faded He spoke and shared intimacy with many girls behind your back The abuse crept in His idea of love is harmful and to attack His facade started to crack You are angry and scared Has he harmed her yet Told her anything negative How many has he slept with behind her back Whilst she's so stupid to think he's sensitive You know it won't last Behavioural patterns before you prove that Yet he talks about marriage to her This early on again He keeps his cover picture the one you made of him Because you're the one that got away You never settled for abuse You told him he can't stay So he latched onto another vulne

Really busy day but a lot of good things:

I started the day off by signing a lease on a Motability car, my parents took me to some dealerships and I found a perfect little car for my needs. This is such a huge milestone, I am so excited I can't believe it! I just need to learn to drive now. I went for a drive out with a female friend, me being the passenger of course ahaha yet not for too much longer, and we had a really lovely day together and stopped and had a meal before we returned home. I then attended a local support group known as sisters of support and everyone was wonderful and welcoming and I feel like I could help a lot there too as well as find people who, like me, haven't really had much of a sisterhood or friends growing up. I felt like they offered a safe space for people who are, a little different like me lol, I kinda don't fit in any boxes and yet they were so wonderful and it was a pleasure to be a part of such an amazing group of unique and inspiring individuals, each and every one, in their own

Community group management UPDATE:

I had to update my community Facebook group's boundaries today because some people think that uncensored means you should be FORCED to tolerate abuse and I simply disagree. Asking people to own their actions and be responsible for themselves online is far too much since the online world has taught people they can be such monsters here. I updated the information to give people a choice, so if the groups not for some people then they can see that it's not for them and that's okay, they can leave instead of bringing their negativity into a group that's about actioning positive change. It's hard when you update and uphold boundaries, people get upset that they can't behave the way they did before, but that's their valid feelings about it and if the group is going to do what I need it to do I need to make sure it's abuse free from NOW. If I can't get people to behave themselves then they give us no choice but to enforce rules to make sure only those who c

Inside the mind of a neurospicy:

Inside the mind of a neurospicy: I used to be so hard on myself, just did not understand why I couldn't simply DO something, why I froze in place waiting for people to visit for appointments and not able to function or focus on things that needed to be done prior to the appointment. Now I understand executive dysfunction better, I understand how I can be viewed negatively and misconstrued and I remember that it's only my responsibility to clarify myself and it's not my responsibility to deal with negativity or hostility others choose to put my way instead of talking things through. People will misjudge you and instead of being sincere and clearing up the misjudgement they will use that as an opportunity or an excuse to be negative themselves. That's their choice and their actions and wrong of them but nothing whatsoever to do with you. Let them think you're the villain, most people in modern day society are incapable of looking at their own actions, holding accounta

Love yourself ❤️

 Life's hard People can be headaches  Negativity solves nothing  Aslong as you love yourself enough to know only your actions matter, then all will be well ❤️‍🩹  You are only responsible for you You cannot carry the perspectives or opinions or judgements of others You cannot change others You can change how you react to them and fix it when you react poorly You are the key to your own happiness. ❤️✨ Sarah x Image reads: "Love yourself so deep that anyone trying to play with you gets lost in the current."