SPD Awareness Campaign - WE NEED YOU!

To raise awareness of the new charity www.supportpelvicdysfunction.co.uk we need YOU to help! Image: Facebook & OTHER social network Users: Please REPOST the business card image to your profile, either tag friends or post on peoples profiles, it takes a few minutes but helps many SPD sufferers that are suffering in silence! Please include this message " www.supportpelvicdysfunction.co.uk help in the SPD awareness campaign by new England Charity Support Pelvic Dysfunction by REPOSTING this or TAGGING friend! " Please help our awareness campaign! www.supportpelvicdysfunction.co.uk Email: Please email this image to your friends with this paragraph (copy and paste) : " 1 in 4 pregnant women develop SPD, many are undiagnosed and many don't know they have SPD. Stop the suffering in silence by spreading the word as part of a raise awareness charity campaign started by Support Pelvic Dysfunction, a new England charity ! Yet another thing to be proud of! ...