Remember your light! ✨

 If you don't like someone but don't have the courage to let them know, so they keep messaging and caring about you oblivious of your true thoughts then please block them or let them know. 

Too many people ignore people and pacify people who have zero clue what's going on in the minds of others.

People who are altruists don't have any agendas and don't tend to get 'hints'. 

We're all cool with the respectful hi and bye malarkie if we see ya around but you're allowed to not like people and you're allowed to have preferences, what's not okay is when people moan or complain to others but don't actually let the person they're unhappy with or just dislike, know anything.

Tell people directly.


You owe it to them, to respect them enough to tell them they're wasting their time on you, so they can move on to people more on their level and therefore can't be mislabeled or misdefined in a negative light.

If you are legitimately not telling someone your boundaries then you are the problem. Not them.

Just more food for thought.

We're all different and people clash, we all deserve the right people around us, people who 'get' us and people who appreciate us. 

Our spirit tribe. 

So we don't need people using our kindness and compassion and eagerness to reach out and support others as an excuse to be mean, mislabel us as annoying or other derogatory terms.

Everyone is annoying sometimes. 

We're all human.

We're all struggling.

We need more of the KIND in humankind.

-S. x

Kawaii Doll Decora 🩷✨

#kindnessmatters #ifyoudontlikemeitsok #secondthoughtoftheday #life #authenticity #honesty #honestymatters #antibullying #antidrama #antistress #humankind 

A medicine woman's prayer / - lotfttan 

"I will not rescue you. For you are not powerless. I will not fix you. For you are not broken. I will not heal you. For I see you, in your wholeness. I will walk with you through the darkness as you remember your light."

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