People never see the sacrifices, just judge on things they don't know:

I woke up shaky and in agony and with a cold, feeling achy and heavy but other than that I'm good. 😊 I'm not gonna let me being ill ruin my mood! Meditation music and take it easy day! Sending love to everyone at All Disabilities Matter as I can't make the carvery with you all today. Sending so much love to you all and hope you have a fantastic meal together! ❤️ I have a mental health appointment today and my whole body is screaming at me for doing too much so I'm going to have to rest. Sometimes I forget how bad my flare ups can get in winter, but I'm thankful for the pain management I have now, so I'll get legally high to endure it and make it through! To be honest, the cannabis has helped me with my anxiety too, more than sertraline, but I still take it, it's just nice that it can help with that as well as my bad pain condition, because I didn't even realise it could! I'm liking the clinic I'm with and it's worth every penny because it ...