Sad times at the RVI.

I got triggered today from this memory:

When my bairn had leukemia, we were coming back from the hospital with all the fun things he created with his mam. Social services need reprimanded for their complete chaotic and sadistic behaviour and corruption but my son is healthy and alive and well now. They prevented me from seeing him in hospital then LIED to the court judge with cleverly worded paragraphs that would not explain that it was THEIR fault and instead implied we didn't care. I was LIVID! 

I missed out on so much after being newly diagnosed with a disability myself and ending up in a wheelchair, and I had lost my business and everything, but that wasn't enough for the UK system. They had to harm this family and I believe in karma and the universe and my son KNOWS the truth and knows he is loved even if it did cause a divide in the family and my brother is estranged.

People really do run with assumptions and SANDRA BARLOW if you're reading this you had no right to lie to social services claiming I put myself first and when confronted you could not even come up with one follow up lie as evidence of that. I hope karma has followed you through life and you will always be the miserable lying cxw that was the head sister of the RVI Newcastle oncology ward 10. You and the Clic-Sargent / CLICSARGENT female charity worker who lied to my adult social worker (via phone call) and whose male owner of the charity denied it when there was CALL evidence! Ha!

I despise your actions and you need to seek professional help!

Take me to court for outing you, I don't care, all I care about is MY son is alive and well and I left a review (no names) on the RVI Newcastle website and it will sit there as I speak out about YOUR abuse and social services abusive lying and manipulative tendencies.

If social ever tries to ever get involved again I would RATHER GO TO PRISON than deal with them abusive A*holes.

Yes I'm still angry, yes I'm still hurt, what makes people think it's ok to mess with people's families I DON'T know but they got a shock when I had supportive parents who kindly allowed me to sign MY SON into their care. 

Yes it killed me.

But it kept the family close and I would do it AGAIN!

My son is ok and safe now no thanks to A-holes who need reprimanding! 


*Rant over.*

He will always be loved and will always be MY world. 🌎 Thank gawd he's a teenager now and can see the world for how it is and we have an AMAZING relationship!! 

Karma is real! Remember that! 🩷



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