SPD CHARITY: looking for Volunteers:

Official Link for facebook users: 


FULL info provided below also:

Applicants for volunteer and trustee positions:

Please send the following questions filled out to:

Please note: We have additional meetings with cavos but at this time they are not mandatory for trustees. (trustees may be welcome to come along to some of them, or all at a later date).

Required information via email or post. 
POST: Please request corresponding postal address by calling 07721656764 on Mondays OR Fridays, 11am-4pm.
Suggestive advice line open from 10am-5pm on same days.

(The following information is mandatory whether the applicant is known by us or not.)

*If question is starred, it is mandatory. 
(If you do not have a landline, please state in answer so question has been answered, however you must have atleast one mobile or telephone number you can put down so we can contact you.)

*Full name:

*Marital Status:

*Date of birth:

*Address and postcode incl town and county:

 Phone numbers:



*Do you have SPD?

*(only if answered yes to previous question) 
When did it occur, date occured mm/yy and if pregnant please state in weeks.

*Other conditions:

*All aids you use: e.g crutches...

*How many children do you have?

*Which child (if during pregnancy) did you develop SPD?

*What interest do you have in the charity your applying for?

*What, in your own words, does this charity do?

*Why do you want to be a volunteer or trustee for support pelvic dysfunction?

 Email address:

*Do you work?

*If you work how many hours a week?

*What qualifications do you have?

*What work experience do you have?

*Have you completed any 1st aid courses, if so when, where and what was issued?

*Have you completed the workbook for Vulnerable adults, if so when and where?

*(This question only for trustee applicants) 
 Can you attend 3 mandatory meetings a year?

*What other time (excluding meetings) can you offer the charity?

Volunteers will be welcome to join in meetings if they wish at a later date.

3 meetings a year is mandatory for all trustees, however there may be additional meetings called to discuss important matters as they arise.

This is a start up charity, but will at all times be professionally run.

Thank you for your application and interest.

This is information needed from all people interested in volunteering or becoming a trustee.

Kind Regards,

(On behalf of)
Support Pelvic Dysfunction

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