Thursday 15th October: What a day!

We had to set off at 8am for my husband to push me all the way to our new house in my wheelchair which took about 30 minutes so wasn't too bad, although was prettty bad for him as there were bumpy paths, curbs, steep paths upwards and downwards and I can only imagine how much pressure that would have put on his back.

We had to get our electricity key sorted, that took ages as the ladies at the shop were extremely helpful but had not coded a number (tag overwrite or programmed a code) onto a key before.

They did an RTI overwrite and it worked the balance on the receipt had lots of zeros so we didnt know at that point if the key had the balance of £41 to clear the debt that wasnt ours on the meter etc...

Got to the house and thankfully it worked.

The men sorted the gas and electricity (safety check) and my dad had got a fridge freezer from that lovely lady from SVP. (catholic church charity).

It was ages until we got home, and when we did get home I phoned my midwife as I have been worried since sunday as baby has reduced movements, only about 5 in 24 hours. She said we have to go to the hospital for a 20-30 minute monitoring and she would let the hospital know.

Luckily that day my dad was able to come back through and take us and the baby showed me up I think, he moved more in that 20 minutes than he has the rest of that day and the last few days, but I didn't care it was what we wanted to hear, that he is all fine :)

At home when we got back eventually, I phoned DLA and found nothing out so they are calling back today (Friday 16.10.09.) Anyway eventually I fell asleep after a painful and horrific time with my pelvis, all cracking and grinding sensations and agony, and around 23:00hrs the airbed which is supposed to take lot's of weight and which hadn't been blown up for a few days so was softer and a lil deflated as usual decided to pop and whack against my pelvis which i woke up screaming as it was agony and the other side popped as my husband was trying to get me off it.

He had to bring our double bed down and mattress and we settled late on.... still in agony and thinking what else now?!?!

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