Completely dehumanised and helpless!

I am having to look into rehousing and have contacted my local council in regards to my housing needs, I have sought advice also from social services and my Occupational Therapist who has been more than wonderful. She allowed me to cry my eyes out and confide in her about my problems even though she can only help in regards to my housing needs. A much needed ear and her workplace are very lucky to have someone like her on their team.

Why was I crying? I am extremely upset. I have not been able to tackle stairs for 3 weeks now in which means my hygiene has suffered. A quick wash at the sink is all I have been able to have and living off facewipes, I am depressed. At my parents (I am in their care at times) since they have a bath downstairs I attempted to have a bath, it hurt immensely when I opened my legs to step sideways in the bath and cannot stand on one leg therefore fell over into the bath and hurt my pelvis and left leg. (Having been to hospital on Friday the 2nd October with extreme cramps in my left leg) this was a nightmare for me. I was relieved I didn't land on my bump as that could have been extremely dangerous.

Having falling into the bath I was now unable to get out, so tried to use the water as therapy as well to ease my pelvis, the water supported my pelvis fantastically however I was screaming for quite some time due to the pain the fall and my desperation had caused. After 2 hours stuck in the bath I finally tried to get out and with the help of my mam I got out, but hurt myself much more in the process and screamed all night. I am exhausted.

I don't know what to do as we really need to move to somewhere more suitable or I am going to continue suffering, and this is disgraceful.

My council has done a bidding system but I need to renew my details in regards to my needs so I can try and get a bungalow or house with stairlift.

We have however bidded on some available properties which would leave some money spare a month as financially it would be a big help as our private rents high and I could possibly look at hiring or getting help to hire a stairlift for a 2 bedroomed council property.

At the moment we are also fighting with our council tax as they keep making mistakes and have done since 2008 so I sought legal advice via community legal aid today: 0845 345 4 345.
They are currently asking for close to £300 a month council tax and have sent us 2 bills within days of each other with 2 different figures, previously we have received random figures to pay on final demands which were (first demands) in all fairness and when told we have no overpayments randomly billed for overpayments which we keep paying... thats another story however.

I didn't realise how much SPD can affect your life and your circumstances and feel like everythings just crumbled and theres nothing I can do about it, the more I reach out and try to solve things the more things are crumbling. So I am extremely depressed now. As any sane individual would be.

Just trying to get through some tough times.

My pains got much worse, My pelvis feels much heavier, clexane is starting to hurt as i am running out of body space to inject myself and with 8 weeks to go before childbirth I have to solve all complications in regards to the birth too.

I know I was good at problem solving and life/task balancing but jeez I am no superwoman.

Need a day off, need sleep, need some time thats pain free and need a hug I think!

Just waiting for Lady Luck to shine her light on me and some pity would be nice...


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