People like me.. disability:

People like me (Disability)

Written by S.W.

Pain you can't see

Yet you dismiss

Overriding my authority

When it's not even your place

Accessibility is important

You can't deny it out of existence

Yet you get aggressive, and I get distant.

I'm not weather resistant

These storms hurt my heart

I wish I could be more persistent

But the fatigue plays a part

Disability isn't for the weak

We are warriors and it's support that we seek

Yet we are stigmatised and belittled

By hypocrites and sheeple

You can't recondition the people

Without being hated for speaking up.

Constantly told to shut TF up.



I live with this condition

Just because you don't understand

Doesn't mean others won't listen

I refuse to be walked over

I refuse to put myself at risk

I refuse to hush myself

Or water myself down for your benefit

You don't understand

Fair enough

So keep your issues with disabilities away from me

I'm not moldable clay that you can play with freely

I can't change shape or fit into the boxes of society

I can't conform like you do because of the hierarchy

Until space is made for people like me

I will be LOUD and I will be free

Because as Godkiller says

"When free will is outlawed,

Only outlaws will have free will"

And I may work around my disability,

But I'm free in comparison to you and your conformity,

Acting suitably for those around you,

Never actually opening your eyes to see,

There's a world out there, 

And it's waiting for people, 

People, like... me.

Kawaii Doll Decora 🩷✨

@KawaiiDollDecora ♡ ♡

#poetry #disabilityawareness #disabilitysupport #disabilityrights #disabilityinclusion #TogetherWeTHRIVE #disabledartist #disabledadvocate #useOURvoices #useyourvoice #SpeakUp #mentalhealthsupport #mentalwellness #positivitymatters #kindnessmatters #disabledpoet #disabilities #disabledpoetry #poetry #author #amazonauthor #ebookauthor #kawaiidolldecora 

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