Captain Dead legs of the Pirate crew "dilly-dally":

I'm so mad at myself lmao.

I enjoyed myself so much at that 90's party that my legs are dead and tight and stiff and pulled and I'm practically useless right now.

Guess it's a good job I had a pretty clear calendar apart from illustrations work and writing then isn't it?!

However it does mean that I can't do much in the house at the moment, I have fed Ponyo, made sure Bud has food and water and has been let out but I am walking like a pirate with two wooden legs ahaha!

Definitely not a fun sight!

I'm also fed up of recent dizzy spells.

Maybe have a head cold. 😆

Ah, as is life with disabilities...

Kind reminders for days like these:

(See pic at bottom)

S. xo

Kawaii Doll Decora 🩷✨

#blogger #author #artist #wasnicetogetout #nineties #littlewins #nostalgia #party #disabilityinclusion #disabledartist #rest #restdaysmatter #yourenotuseless #taketimetoheal #ouch 

Image: selfcarexpress: Remember (positive post)

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