Deal with things directly not cowardly:

This is how the hate campaign against me started they blocked me so I couldn't defend myself and people like to post to hate these days and I won't apologise for not being a doormat.

Yes I'm a little out there and dorky and that but that never justifies any abuse.

Cowards behind fake profiles to sabotage women and their businesses, misogynistic women and men and trans that jump on hatefulness and bandwagons, well guess what?

I have SUPPORTIVE, women, men and trans and I love and appreciate them and they follow me cause they want to, atleast I don't need to recruit hate armies and I'm perfectly happy to defend myself.

Life is an experience after all we learn from 

e v e r y t h i n g.

And I'm always working on me and changing negatives into positives in fact stay, hate but don't say anything just observe and you may actually learn something about people who choose to be real and choose positive change over being fake and cowardly and hateful.


Kawaii Doll Decora 🩷✨

Image reads: I can't be friends with anyone who won't tell me directly when they have an issue with me but instead tell EVERYONE else the problem they have with me.

One fact about me is that if you prevent me from speaking directly to you and you continue to BS about me, I'm going to defend myself and share the evidence. Period.

I always think things should be hashed directly and thoughtful communication is key. However a lot of malicious people don't think the same. Keep going anyways.

Let them hate.

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