I'm not perfect but I'd never lie or hate on other women:

So I became a target of a hate campaign from a Facebook page recently.

They're known as Daddy's itty bitty kitty and Daddy's itty bitty kitty 2.0.

I had followed them for a while and loved their posts... until one I simply disagreed with as it was too vague.

This is my story and I have the evidence to back it ALL up.

For those who aren't gullible and actually have a shred of human decency read this and investigate before you push your hate or false narratives of me onto me and my page.

I'm allowed to prove my innocence and I'm allowed to protect other women. PERIOD ✨

I was saying that breastfeeding on OF is different (I disagree with kids on OF in ALL forms) from a mother who has a private social page and only from time to time shares censored images or the link to outside businesses and that life isn't black and white and you can't just generalise and hate on mothers or women or even SWs in general because it gets people riled up and that's how decent kids get taken from decent women and mothers.

I've seen it happen.

We hashed it out despite the disagreement and they earned mad respect for that but they lost all respect when they dictated to me I was NOT ALLOWED to modify my comment to clarify my point because it was made 5 days ago despite the fact that someone laugh reacted so I felt I needed to update it.

Ash Christy then responded in a passive aggressive attitude and I simply asked them to re read cause I'm neurospicy and I'm sick of being misunderstood and people using their lack of understanding to justify negativity and nasty judgemental AF behaviours.

I don't force my opinion on anyone and mentioned to the kitty page that they post uncensored public too so they need to think about how they judge other women and word things.

They blocked me then said I shamed them for their pic when I confronted them on my non blocked account I told them they can do one and block me cause they ain't gonna see the error or how dangerous those posts are to women and mothers which is life.

But they started a fight so I created posts and a folder to keep evidence as they were lying about me so they hated that then told everyone I was newd shaming them which I'd NEVER do and well they were behaving dictatory so I get they don't like that but they have done several tyrant things and even removed comments that prove they lied and removed anyone who didn't agree with them, compliment them or jump on the bandwagon of hate.

I get they don't like me I'm fine with that but don't get lots of trolls to my page to attack me on their behalf when I've done nothing whatsoever wrong other than try and get people merely to reflect as I suggest NOT dictate and then I get send images of me she's influenced with her hate.

It's not cool and even me defending myself on my KawaiiDollDecora page has had me accosted by people lacking human decency and the lack of will to investigate the matter and exonerate me.

All I wanted was to clear my name and stop people hating on me and images of me which she claimed is happening to her when she KNOWS its not and shes the only one hating on other women's choices AND hating on me and lying about me.

There is no admin to harass (another lie spewed by her to her 25k followers) and I'm blocked so can't comment on her page.

I'm working on a project to raise important disability awareness and her hate campaigns are SABOTAGING MY BUSINESS PROGRESS AS AN ADVOCATE and disabled blogger.

It's unfair and unnecessary and uncalled for.

I mean hate away but do so from a distance and dont fake being a victim of the same shiii you're doing to someone else.

Shaming people when you don't know them imo is uncool and her page is definitely not a safe space.

Yes I've seemed to have ruffled feathers as my opinions are controversial but I'm not forcing them on people and only offer food for thought because I want to make the world a better place.

It's not as complicated as people think and its not shaming nor is it drama when you save the screenshots of abuse about you and hate about you and INSULTS about you all because some lass wants an ego trip with her 25k followers. Xx

I'm sorry if I appeared condescending I only asked Ash Christy to re read as she'd have seen we were in agreement. These things aren't black and white and I also ask people to re read as I'm neurospicy and my intentions can often be misunderstood and then people use that to mislabel me and justify their abuse directed to who they THINK I am as opposed to who and how I actually am.

Hope this helps.

Xx sorry again xx

KawaiiDollDecora 🩷✨

#lifeismessy #lifeishard #hateaway #justdontlie #disabilityawareness #struggles #bepositivenotnegative #abuseisneverokay 

This image reads: "I will never apologize for defending myself, for defending women, for being pro nudity, for trying to stamp out hate and definitely not for collecting and logging proof of abuse which others twist and lie about to recruit haters. Period."

Here is the image she influenced the creation of if not created it herself by lying and getting lots of people to throw hate towards my page:

I am a woman and my body is mine and mine alone and I will not be shamed and other women should never be body shamed neither. 💯

Hate is still hate and it's unnecessary.

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