Don't talk to me about respect:

 Don't talk to me about respect:

True respect is agreeing to disagree and respecting that that person has that perspective because they've lived their life the same as your different perspective is based on your life experiences.

There's no thoughtful communication anymore and people are quick to hate without facts.

The world isn't as black and white as most think but some people do change and grow, I just wanted to mention them because so many people around me are fighting so many battles and they're winning. All my sober friends and acquaintances they've all made sacrifices and sat with their pain and overcame it to be better people.

I just have a lot of respect for those sorts of people cause I struggle too. I'm disabled not that anyone ever cares unless they're trying to use it in a derogatory way against me lol. 

But it's life innit 

I see you. xoxo

Keep going. 🫢🏼

S.w. xo

Kawaii Doll Decora 🩷✨

#iseeyou #keepgoing #youmatter

Image reads: progress is progress no matter the size. 

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