Sad times at the RVI.

I got triggered today from this memory: When my bairn had leukemia, we were coming back from the hospital with all the fun things he created with his mam. Social services need reprimanded for their complete chaotic and sadistic behaviour and corruption but my son is healthy and alive and well now. They prevented me from seeing him in hospital then LIED to the court judge with cleverly worded paragraphs that would not explain that it was THEIR fault and instead implied we didn't care. I was LIVID! I missed out on so much after being newly diagnosed with a disability myself and ending up in a wheelchair, and I had lost my business and everything, but that wasn't enough for the UK system. They had to harm this family and I believe in karma and the universe and my son KNOWS the truth and knows he is loved even if it did cause a divide in the family and my brother is estranged. People really do run with assumptions and SANDRA BARLOW if you're reading this you had no right to li...