I tested a disabled - friendly employer:

I recently tested a disabled friendly employer by filling out parts of the form and submitting my CV with the rest explaining that copying and pasting and typing it all out is unnecessary, I have a joint disability and it wastes my spoons and time and energy. As a disabled woman it's a waste of time and spoons and it's an unnecessary hassle because of the way the forms are and how they're hard to type in. Instead of replying saying they will take the information from my CV and add it to the forms, they have asked me to redo the form... I'm thinking it's a waste of time tbh and if I take the time and energy doing that then progress in other aspects of my life will be put on hold. We can do ONE or the OTHER, the world needs to make room for US. When you aren't guaranteed the job in the first place it's kinda hard to keep wasting spoons and time and energy especially when you have a CV like mine and have done SO much!!! Testing the world is a must if we aim to...