You Sow what you Reap:
As is the cycle of life...
Muzzzles is not a type error it's an emphasis on sleep/silencing, hushing a problem as opposed to actually tackling it and people are so up in arms and easy to create 'sides' that instead of having both sides expressing themselves, they start and try and convince the opposing sides. You can't change other people's minds to be like yours unless they come to a realisation themselves! Maybe this is the distraction they wanted and the tolerance levels needed to nudge them in the direction of capital punishment. So many narcissistic types and sadists exist and how many are there in power?
Death penalties are definitely a possibility in our near future but people are too eager to argue amongst themselves to notice how close we're getting and how many rights we don't actually have and are 'portrayed' to have...
Sow what you reap:
I found my home
I was smiling with glee
Eating happily
When something disturbed me
Never expected a police man of all people
To come, just for me
Tell me I fit the measurements
Down to a T
I wish I knew then, so that I could flee
Family crying desperately
As I cry and bark and avoid their hoop
The children crying and begging on loop
One man gave the orders
So all must follow
The genocide of bull dogs
As humanity becomes hollow
The scapegoats are killed off one by one
All because one man couldn't admit he was wrong
Behaviour is trained and retrained you see
The owners of the bad behaviours are the only ones guilty
I will never understand the way the world is and shall be
If our animals are targeted, unnecessarily.
Genocide of the bull dogs,
Lop off their balls
Put muzzzles on them
And charge them all!
For if you look beyond what you're told to see
The world is cold and cruel and justice ceases to be
So as a human who cares as a tear falls down my cheek
I hope those in power find the karma they seek
For you reap what you sow
And you sow what you reap.
Written by S.W
@KawaiiDollDecora ♡
Sun 31 Dec 23
Dedicated to my sherpai
x American bulldog, whose name is Bud. 💕