SPD awareness...

...On a positive note I am attempting to create a fully clothed and fun themed Calendar to raise much needed awareness on SPD.

SPD sufferers are to be the models, standing proud with their crutches, or sat brave in their wheelchairs, to which I am happy to model with them in my wheelchair too, more info can be found on our facebook support group which the link is available in the links section at the top of this blog.

My business is closed but I am still volunteering under my business name as I will be organising the calendar and my business name has always been my project alias, hobby name and has been used for all/any projects I have done for the last 9 years, when I first started under the name.

We are looking to support a well known charity that affects most people and to reach an audience who will probably not know much if anything about SPD. We are currently thinking of supporting Cancer Research, as I lost a loved one through Cancer and many people will have too, or atleast know someone who has.

All volunteers and I, will not make any money at all from this project and the costs will cover the printing of the calendars and the rest directly to the charity. We have lot's to sort out and need to be able to sell these calendars plus other gifts for models who may not make it to the calendar due to amount of volunteers, all for the charity, online to make it available worldwide to which I am trying to organise something now.

Really hope this raises the awareness and raised the much needed and appreciated funds for the charity too!

So... positive project to work on and due to my disability and the complications we are aiming to do this as a 2011 calendar so have all year!

*Wish us luck*

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