Diabetic retinal-eye exam and progress:
Well I'm up and getting ready for my eye exam and I've still got so much to do in regards to projects and everything, hopefully will start earning better once I network more or find a part time job to help soon.
I spent 3.5 hours creating a new kawaii character, how I destress sometimes as life can be so hard, and I'm pleased with how she has turned out.
I may make a series of such characters yet which would be perfect for cards or t-shirts etc.
All in all still super busy, have so much to do and I have a mental health appointment tomorrow.
My eyes are going to be needing drops so that's not going to be pleasant and I won't be able to see right for a while afterwards so I guess this is the universe telling me to take a break as I keep burning myself out.
I work so hard and don't see much in return unfortunately, but that's how the system is these days.
Off to try and get as much done before my eyes are down for a few hours lol.
KawaiiDollDecora 🩷 ✨