How people are failing creative industries:

 It's always a shame when people let the bad behaviour of one person to taint all the innocent hard workers that worked their socks off for creative productions...

It's never a one person show and shame on people for making innocents suffer because of the behaviour of one person.

In history a lot of creatives are A holes but there's morals and important lessons in their work, if we boycotted everything connected to an evil person we'd have nothing left including no kids TV.

People seem to forget that a lot of education and books we rely on for major life lessons were too created by creeps or A holes.

It's ok to boycott an Individual and hate what they do but it's illogical to apply that to the works of fiction they create, and this is why modern day society would never have survived or thrived in the past.

No one knows HOW to be offended these days they end up harming creative endeavours instead.

The creative industries are the ones that need the most support and if something isn't for you fine but don't blame the works because they were created by an A hole, your clothing, music, TV shows, Favourite films are ALL affiliated with BAD things and if we boycotted everything we'd be left with nothing.




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