Morrisons toilet update and Progress:

I am so thrilled to announce that Morrisons got back to me regarding the disabled toilet issues I highlighted previously in a video and have sent a team to resolve all issues I pointed out.

On behalf of myself and the disabled community we would like to personally thank Misbah for their help and support with this matter and for their understanding in regards to why the issues were a concern.

Together problems can be addressed and resolved and things can be made better for everyone as a whole so a HUGE thank you goes to Morrisons and their team in resolving this issue.

(Please scroll to the bottom for the Morrisons Video Update.)

I have also been working exceptionally hard with academics and safeguarding children courses as well as understanding autism courses and I'm now coming to the end of my studies and closer to being matched with a child in the care system as an independent visitor.

As an independent visitor I will be someone who can offer patience, kindness, consistency and support to a child in the care system and it's been months of hard work working towards this and I'm so pleased and excited to hear we will all be matched over the next few weeks.

The last few months I have managed to change a few small things for the better for everyone and I keep working hard irregardless of people adamant on misunderstanding me and being incapable of thoughtful communication, in which I continue to avoid as I now understand you can't change how they want to feel or think about you and no one deserves negativity or abuse. Period.

One of these positive changes is bus stop seating to be installed at the train station bus stops of my hometown which should make things way nicer and easier for my fellow townsfolk.

They will no longer need to sit on the floor.

Behind the scenes I am always very busy making positive differences and maybe that is something that irks people, I don't know, but people need to know you can say no and avoid people who are adamant on being negative or mistreating you.

Online is full of cowardly people thinking they can lash out and try and be as harmful as possible to others and this is not okay and a bigger societal issue as a whole.

I learn from everyone and everything, even if it's how NOT to be like someone.

Lessons are blessings afterall and aslong as you remember that people project their insecurities onto you as it's easier than self-reflection and improving themselves and that their empty opinions and judgements are not only inaccurate, non-factual, but also excuses they give themselves to be abusive to others, whether yourself or another and that it says everything about them and nothing about you, you will be more than okay.

Focus on the things you can change and avoid those who are adamant on making things worse or harder for people around them.

We are all worthy of reciprocal friendships and love and we are allowed to say no to bullying and ignorant people who have nothing better to do than be aggressive or judge or think they are so superior that they can involve themselves in your life.

They can't.

You are the boss of your life and you choose who you allow access to that life.

It's always your choice.

Saying no sometimes is the best thing you can do and observe how people are and block and avoid those who aren't capable of contributing anything positive or creating positive change and keep those who are capable and do change things for the better, around you.

After this week things will slow down a little for me as I will be having a lot more time to focus on my home and getting it how I want despite my disabilities.

I have had several appointments for support and additional information so I know what's available to me now and how things can progress.

I won't apologise for not having the time to convince aggressive strangers they're misguided, if they can't do that for themselves then that's their issue.

I also highly recommend listening to Joy + Soul, the songs Light, Clarity and I take my Power back.

Positive Affirmations to help you continue shining your light and helping others even when it goes unrecognised, which in my case it often has, but at the end of the day it's not important whether you're acknowledged or recognised, unless it helps others to collaborate of course, and it is more important that positive change is actioned and you can create and make positive changes for people around you and in your communities.

It's okay to be misunderstood, judged, mislabeled but it's not okay to force yourself to endure their negativity, their issues are their own and plenty people like to seek out and judge and sabotage anyone trying to make positive changes and differences.

It's up to us, the Philosophers, problem solvers, out of the box thinkers and advocates for positive change, to NEVER let them sabotage our goals.

Keep going and keep making the world a better place than you found it.

Thanks again for reading and thanks to those who do see me for who and how I actually am and support me in changing things for the better.

Sarah Wingfield Author 🌹 

@KawaiiDollDecora ♡ ♡

I will leave you with this amazing positive affirmation song by Joy+Soul, titled Light, and remember other people's views are not yours to carry.

Stay kind to yourself and keep fighting for a better world. -Sarah xo

Morrisons update:

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