Walking ahead?
This will never make sense to me but it's so bizarre that those I've encountered with narcissistic traits do actually do this and don't have compassion and don't try and walk WITH you or communicate properly, unless you get looks from people of the opposite sex that they think could be into you, they are unlikely to hold your hand and walk beside you unless used as a deterrent to those looking your way.
As if to say this human is MINE to do what I want to, now I know the signs and behavioural traits and they're easier to spot and I'm cautious, I will never be ensnared by someone with malicious intent ever again.
Some of us are built to make things better, as problem solvers, we can't be bothered with people who are toxic and add to how bad the world is.
Hate us all ya want man, but we simply don't want to be around you and don't have to be.
Your loss in the end, as people like us we're down to earth and loyal and we have a thirst for knowledge that gives us an edge when it comes to people struggling, we either help or we can send you to someone or some place who can.
It's shameful when people are sadists, even more so when they refuse to hold themselves accountable, and even more so when they escalate it to recruiting hate.
My advice: get a hobby because unhealthy fixations on genuine people is an obsession and we aren't even the villain you want us to be.
Can't make it up.
Never again though.
Sarah. X