TikTok false penalisation:
TikTok can wrongly penalise users sometimes. I'm absolutely exhausted.
Just did this promo for Stronglife and their mention literally is quoted as "Stronglife.co.uk" but because I quoted it literally they assumed I was sending traffic elsewhere and removed the TikTok store product link (which defeats the purpose of sending people to the TIKTOK store) when all I ever did was send them to the TIKTOK store.
So I've had to delete the video and take out the ".co.uk" from the tag/mention and now I have way less views and less support than the original video.
When you try and create revenue streams because you are a charity worker unpaid and work hard so need alternative streams, apps and social media really make it even more difficult for creatives.
I now have an account violation and could risk losing my second TikTok account having already lost my original because of the same issue, false flagging of content.
When these apps get things wrong they end up sabotaging themselves and penalising content creators at the same time and I am just absolutely exhausted after working so hard to promote this product.
Losing support on a video is also difficult, I have less followers on this account @kdoll_artist on TikTok and I'm constantly trying to rebuild all the time.
I wish these platforms made things easier and if they don't allow ".co.uk"s then maybe they should not allow them to be the ACTUAL TAG of accounts!
I'm doing my best here and got the edited video with the product link finally up and running which you can watch here:
Let's hope my hard work starts and gets me noticed more and I can build a larger following and finally start and earn from my hard work and sacrifices!
As an independent disability advocate, those of us with disabilities tend to suffer more as people and places won't employ us due to the social stigma attached to the term "disabled".
Life is hard enough, just wish those of us that work hard start and get appreciated and supported for working hard.
We have earned everything threefold we receive with support and we definitely deserve more recognition for our determination, drive, fight and unwillingness to quit even when the odds are stacked against us.
I wanna see what happens if I don't quit, but I wish everything wasn't such a fight.
Sarah Wingfield
kdoll_artist - TikTok
Stronglife Anxiety Support Formula. 30ml. Blueberry. @Stronglife
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