Something I can't stand:
There is one thing I really can't stand about social media and is men that hide behind keyboards to shame women, ESPECIALLY on weight!
Those that shame them for shape and being thin are equally as bad as those that shame them for being bigger.
Surely Ireland should have taught the lad if he can't speak nicely about a lass then don't speak at all, but I guess he thinks it's funny using his official Facebook page to be an abusive man.
That woman deserves an apology, when you start and make it big for yourself, that's not an excuse to hate on and shame people you don't know, you are your BIGGEST ADVERTISEMENT and if you're not using your power to ACTION POSITIVE CHANGE and instead are using it to shii on women instead then what is the point?!
It's hateful, ignorant and ableist.
I bet a lot of his FANS ARE BIGGER BUILT men and women and THIS IS something he feels OKAY with publicly putting ALL over Facebook, and yes my haters I am ON ONE, because this behaviour is NEVER okay.
Hate me if you need to, I don't mind, but never EXCUSE behaviour like THIS!
I woke up and saw his fat shaming comments and can't believe someone with a music background thinks shaming and hating on women these days is A GOOD THING. As a disability advocate I have to speak up for all bigger ladies when I say some of us have disabilities and other things and we deserve RESPECT my dude not ABUSE!
Fat shamed anyone today? Some people have disabilities you know! Is it cause she's a woman and you're protected by being behind a screen?
#fatshaming #barrymoore #therealbarrymoore #womenhaters #abuse #bigwomenarebeautiful #fatshaming #barrymoore #womenhate #music #menhatingfornoreason