More small town home town BS:

Wonder why the community spirit newton aycliffe page has banned my Facebook from their page.

Tried sharing the valentine's post from my main account but it doesn't exist, only available to be seen on my KDoll Facebook but the ostracising and bullying is all in my head right?

I'm the villain right?


May email and ask, but depends on who runs it I suppose.

If anyone else in Aycliffe is asked to not talk to me or anything like that can you come forward because organisations are getting out of control and I have police involvement.

Thank you.

Sarah Wingfield

This is their link but doesn't work for my Facebook as someone has blocked me from there...

Great town this innit! But the narrative that's spread is I'm the one sabotaging when I'm the one in reality constantly being sabotaged from sharing and promoting and supporting the town.



*Screenshots taken from my KDoll page.*

I need to try and get away from this town as no matter what I do it doesn't matter, councilmen from GATC boycott me, withdraw radio opportunities when I was the one spoken to abysmally and ignored, members of so called CHARITIES and ORGANISATIONS are told they're not allowed to speak to me by THE FOUNDERS AND OWNERS, and I even had to file a hate crime report because I got a false community protection notice filed against me for trying to get resolution and FAIR TREATMENT and stepping away from Aycliffe Uncensored a group I created so people were treated equally and fairly no matter what side of any fence they were on, because they made everything UNSAFE and caused severe TROLLING is not okay, and they just won't STOP their hate crimes! 

Ostracising is NOT okay!

Breaking verbal agreements between me and the police promising you'd be unbiased in my attempts for an apology before I even started going to a specific group, is not okay.

Messaging me knowing you lied to the police and I cant reply because it's against the rules on the community protection notice you placed against me for asking for fair treatment is not okay. Trying to manipulate the narrative and act like you haven't done anything wrong is not okay.

When you represent a charity or organisation or support group, bullying of any kind is not okay, taking sides and not remaining impartial is never okay especially when the verbal agreement was made between me and the police and another representative of the support group prior to me attending.

Me being ostracised and boycotted and sabotaged and blocked and lied about is not okay.

Trying to blame me for something that happened to you when you've been publicly printed with your location etc and don't hide anything and even had me blocked and chose to break the verbal agreement between the police and myself, is not okay, its manipulation and gaslighting.

They're supposed to be charities and organisations for gawds sake!

I'm still facing consequences of their abuse even now! 

Makes my pee boil!


Need to get away from corruption and ego's. Bullying is all it is!

Some awards they win for good deeds when they do misdeeds behind the surface and I've got enough evidence for court now and yet it's continuing!

I'm so done. 

I won't be using any LOCAL clubs anymore I'm so DONE because they're all connected to the organisers and bullies and they're making everywhere unsafe for me. It's NOT okay.

They're pushing me further and further outside of Aycliffe so there's barely any places left here I can be a customer of or use. 

But I deserve it right, cause I was upset at how I was mistreated, because I wanted an apology, because I organised a verbal agreement between police and a support organisation that they'd remain impartial prior to attending and after I attended they chose to break that verbal agreement. I deserve it. FML.

Sarah Wingfield 
Independent Disability Advocate 
Newton Aycliffe 

#vent #exhausted #tiredofbullies #charities #organisations #sabotage 

Continues here, at the following link:

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