You can't force people to see you:
I wonder what skills I need to get a job, maybe transformer skills as there's not much other than welding and warehouse I am not able to do lol.
I've got too many skills and too much experience and could run an organisation myself blindfolded, multiple organisations at this rate.
Wish I was exaggerating, really wish I was. Lol 😆.
The next thing I was doing after driving was learning Japanese cause I've studied practically everything and worked in every aspect there is and managed other businesses and more.
Maaan REALLY wish I was appreciated but one day, maybe when I'm my own boss soon. 💪🏻🔥
Could have done with the money and could have done that job with my hands tied behind my back, but hey, just because people can't accept and see your capabilities and skillset doesn't mean they don't already exist, I know myself and my capabilities and I just can't work full time due to disabilities.
That's my only weakness.
I'm super tech savvy too and run my own social media's and business website, but I won't chase people who are blind to my capabilities.
I don't force people to see my worth these days.
They either do and I'd be a super asset that would rock for them, or I rock for myself instead.
I'm happy rocking for myself, the shiii I'm achieving lately has me on my way to becoming a small celebrity and that's no joke.
Life has different plans for me and I'm good with that.
Is it weird I'm sadder for them and their loss than I am for myself?
Nah I worked hard to get to this point and I know exactly who I am and what I can do because I live it.
I no longer chase, I attract. ✨
Sarah xo