Terrified TW DV:
TW: DV/Abuse ⚠️
I may phone women's aid.
Really needed my Harbour worker today but she didn't turn up and hours later told me she'd been called into a meeting. Trying to rearrange before the assessment with police and the mediator.
I'm so scared of going ahead with this police video interview about DV and an ex partner because he has had someone retaliate on his behalf before when I warned his new girl of how dangerous and abusive he was. My window got put in and my dog got harmed and I found out he'd been dealing drugs so he could literally call up anyone who owes him money and have them do my house in or worse.
Practically shaking and crying right now but I don't want to worry my family or parents or loved ones.
I'm getting my life back on track and I'm fighting with my morals vs. my safety because I have an assessment soon and I don't feel like the police can protect me from any retaliation that may occur if I do the video interview about the abuse and sexual assaults.
They didn't even get the restraining order when they should and it's taken months to get to the assessment, since August last year, that I just don't feel like it would be safe for me to do it anymore.
I want to put it all in the past and move forward and I'm petrified.
I wish I knew what the right thing to do here was, because I don't feel supported by the police and my harbour worker who I've been waiting so long to talk to about all this didn't even turn up today.
I have so many things I am doing now and have a job interview tomorrow, I just don't want to be dragging 2024 stuff into 2025 and don't want to go back over.
He's got away with the rape with a weapon and the abuse and I've since raised awareness and did a podcast with NaariSamata charity which has helped me to cope too because I've turned negativity into helping others; but I just don't know right now.
I keep flitting, between wanting to do the interview because what he did was monstrous and wrong and more than once plus the physical and emotional and psychological abuse, and my safety should come first but I can't protect myself and the police can't protect me so maybe I should just tell the police I don't want to do it anymore.
My careers in the music industry and the movie industry has kicked off well and I'm wanting to stay safe and focus on those.
Any sabotage or retaliation at this stage would be so detrimental to everything I've done and achieved.
How do I plan to protect myself or create a safety plan now?
I survived.
Is that enough?...