People aren't interested in solutions:
It's a shame but it's the truth.
One that is duly noted.
I am literal and state facts, he cramps loads of pictures of men in articles all the time, he prints ADM reps all the time and yet somehow didn't print an independent disability advocate related to the article.
He verbally abused many women and some men via telephone, me included with my son as a witness.
Just facts.
But the messenger is always shot because it's become social norms for people to hate on the person sharing their bad experiences than focus on the person who chose to behave poorly.
Genuine and kind people don't ignore real professional complaints for over six months, they don't scream and hurl abuse at MOSTLY women and a few men, over the phone.
I won't apologise for not wanting my town to have bad press and for wanting people to be held accountable and resolutions for issues as they arise.
I don't need other women or people, defending him because they didn't experience this poor behaviour or trying to invalidate the facts because they were supported by being part of an organisation that the gentleman in question's relative is a part of.
If women genuinely cared about feminism they'd have suggested the same as I did, that Sarah who allegedly deals with articles answers the phone because it's proven Paul can't be professional to customers.
But I'm not allowed to say that. Sh!
I'm supposed to blow smoke up his butt and thank him for his abuse. No thank you.
It's not my responsibility to get people to work together when they don't care to.
Their actions say everything about them and nothing about those who were mistreated.
All I can do is observe and note their behaviour and understand they don't want to make the world better because the world that's abusive to others is beneficial to them.
Fair enough. Noted.
However, I still raise awareness and do my best to represent those on the town, including myself, who are told by Amy Kirsty from Sisters of Support via invalidation and verbal psychological warfare tactics (example "truth" in speech marks to infer I'm not honest etc) and I see how they word things and behave, thank you for showing me who you really are, appreciated, and those who are told by Paul Howarth from Newton Press by his poor attitude and sarcasm and verbal abuse via telephone, we don't matter.
I simply and kindly disagree.
All townsfolk matter.
Atleast I am who I claim to be and my actions are always in alignment with my words.
It's easier to hate and segregate than to seek to understand and create resolution.
Not my responsibility, I do what I can do and focus on what is in my control and I refuse to allow people like Kirsty Amy who used sisters of supports organisation without their consent in her attack on my factual post, to undermine the reality we live.
I was not an isolated incident and we may not matter to you or Paul, Kirsty, but I make sure people know they matter to me and as townsfolk they deserve better treatment.
I'd be a pointless advocate for positive change if I didn't give those a voice that cliques and bullies choose to constantly shut down.
Why am I raising awareness and not the people who came to me? Look at how Kirsty Amy tried to INVALIDATE me and how she supported bullying and verbal abuse?
This town has cliques who make other abusive individuals lack accountability, they victim shame and blame and even groups of people troll and bully online.
It's all pettiness and ego of course and it would be a huge issue if it had have happened to them personally, but it didn't.
They won't put themselves in anothers shoes and I can't make them, the same as I can't make them care but I can document everything for history and raise awareness and try and get apologies, accountability and resolution.
I have nothing to be ashamed of.
I don't label myself as anything because I advocate for all rights, human rights and behaviour isnt gender biased, although the facts here are that it's mostly women affected, that's just reality as it is.
But again, I'm not allowed to say that. Well I have.
Good day.
All the best,
Sarah Wingfield