Out of my comfort zone:
In all of my 37 years a man has never picked and booked a nice restaurant and took me out for a meal on a date but today that can get crossed off my bucket list as I get ready to go out on a date for the first time since my ex and I broke up.
I don't have a lot of dating experience and I'm excited about today.
I'm currently getting ready and trying to decide what I should wear. 😅 May end up wearing what I had planned to wear in the first place yet. We shall see...
I am definitely out of my comfort zone but opening myself up to new experiences and positive memories.
Let's hope today can be one of those days where I manage to enjoy myself for once in a long time.
I am trying to appreciate who I am right this second and seize the day and take my time to enjoy my life for once.
My time is freed up now and I'm doing a lot more meditation and taking things a lot easier than I used to.
I've been a stress head and tried my best but it's time to focus on me now and to actually find my place in the world.
For a moment there I thought I had found it... But again the rug was pulled from underneath my feet and the foundations weren't made of concrete, so I will pick myself up and start my new chapters today.
My life will be what I make of it in the end and I have so much coming up for me and happening for me right now that I'm just following the direction of the universe's tide, may they be my guide.
Sarah x